Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway - Tempted by Brandi Leigh Hall

by Brandi Leigh Hall
Series: Birthright, #2
Genre: Upper YA/NA Paranormal Romance
Release Date: May 27, 2014

What if the very thing to save you—is the one thing beyond your reach?

Torn between the two men who have fallen for her--and the evil who wants to possess her--twenty-year-old Chloe Bishop can no longer remember the fatal vision which threatens her future happiness. But when the magical link is severed between Chloe and her Wiccan family, they must find a way to save her before temptation leads her into darkness—-and into the welcoming arms of Mr. Wrong.

A Sweet Upper YA / NA Paranormal Romance, perfect for fans of CHARMED! 
No sex, passionate kissing, moderate swearing

“So, am I your love? Your one and only?”

The smell of his Jean Paul Gaultier cologne makes my head spin. “What do you think?”

“I don’t know . . . that’s why I’m asking. I know you’ve got a few men on the side at work, but I just need to be sure I’m your one and only.” His teasing tone makes me blush.

“Has anyone ever told you that you talk waaaaaaay too much?”

A smile curls up the corners of his juicy lips. “Is that right? So what should I be doing instead?” His hand playfully slides up my back.

“You should be kissing me . . . and showing me just how much you’ve missed me these last two weeks.” I feel the heat spread across my cheeks.

“With pleasure, Miss Chloe.” He gently cups the back of my head with his hand, while the other makes its way to the side of my face.

He leans in, but hesitates.

Our lips less than an inch apart, he opens his mouth slightly. His breath catches a few stray hairs resting near my chin.

He lingers, moving close enough for his top lip to rest between mine, as the tip of his tongue gently grazes the lower edge of my bottom lip.

My mouth falls open in anticipation, but he pulls back a few inches out of reach.

I lean forward, but he retracts even further, like the push-and-pull between two magnets.

Oh, I see how it’s gonna be. He wants to tease me, does he? Well, two can definitely play this game.

I lick my lips in slow motion—then lean in. Just as he’s about to respond, I tug my head back.

His heart pounds rhythmically against my chest. Loud. Fast.

I slide my hand up from around his waist, caressing his sculpted abs and chest as I work my way towards his smooth face.

With the tip of my index finger, I lightly trace the rim of his lower lip, then lean in to allow my tongue to follow the same path.

A soft moan escapes his lips as he closes his eyes.

His response sends a tingle through every nerve in my body.

I just want to feel him. His skin—and his strength.

I lower my hand to his waist again, only this time I slide up under the bottom of his t-shirt. The second my palm makes contact with his skin, he pulls my head closer and gives in, capturing my mouth to his.

And I let him.

No, I demand him to.

Haven't read book #1- Tethered? Snag it today!

No matter how you try to fight it—Destiny has a mind of its own!

Returning home to her Wiccan roots wasn’t quite what nineteen-year-old Chloe Bishop had in mind for summer break. But when fate makes other plans, Chloe is forced to face her unwanted magical abilities—the destiny she never knew existed—and the handsome stranger who is somehow tethered to both.

TANGLED (A BirthRight Novel #3)
Release Date: December 2014


Brandi lives in central Pennsylvania with her fur-ball cats (Onyx and Klepto), where she spends most of her time attached to her laptops, reading books, appeasing her sweet tooth, and watching TV for motivation.

Growing up in a haunted house inspired Brandi’s fascination with the paranormal, so it only made sense that she’d write Urban Fantasy books for both teens and adults.

Brandi hasn’t been lucky enough to meet her soul mate (yet), so she writes paranormal tales of those who have. Her stories combine magical elements with real-life issues, strong female characters, semi-old fashioned men and family values, woven together and told from an emotional, first-person perspective. She enjoys writing sweet stories that teach girls it’s okay to speak your mind and be independent, career-driven, and not worry about fitting in to society’s mold.

In addition to the BirthRight Novels, she also has four additional adventures she’ll be writing over the next few years, so stay-tuned.

 Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/BrandiLeighHall 

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