Friday, May 5, 2017

Sparklers or Spankings by Stacy Eaton @StacySEaton - New Release @MoBPromos

Sparklers or Spankings
by Stacy Eaton
Series: Celebration Township, #7
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 12, 2017

Harper Reed has run her family owned Bed & Breakfast for three years, and recently turned it into a place for couples to spice up their relationships. Harper has a dream for her business and her future, but recent events might upend those romantic dreams.

When Mason Tidewater arrives at her Inn, Harper believes its fate that has brought them together. While Mason doesn’t believe in fate, things start to happen in Celebration Township that could change his mind. Unfortunately, the reason he’s here in the first place, might destroy any chance he has with Harper.

During the Memorial Day celebration Mason must decide if he’s ready for sparklers or spankings, or perhaps if fate is good, he could have both.

“Turk, oh Turk!” Kitty purred and let out a moan so incredibly loud that I wondered if she was about to have a litter of kittens herself.

“You like that? You like how hard I’m giving it to you?” Turk’s voice drifted from the speakers just as a crash came from the front of my inn. I jerked upright so I could see over the monitor. Had someone just come in the front door?

“Yes! Yes!” Evidently, Kitty liked “that”.

I clicked the pause button on my computer and pushed away from my desk.

“Hello?” I called as I dashed to the foyer area. “Is someone there?”

As I rounded the corner, I came to an abrupt halt. A dark-haired man squatted in a sea of a million tiny pieces of crystal from a shattered vase. His cheeks turned a bright red as he rushed to clean up the mess.

“Oh, no! Don’t worry about that,” I gushed as I hurried forward and tried to wave his hands away. “I’ll get that, I don’t want you to get cut. You’re alright, aren’t you? You didn’t cut yourself, did you?”

The man, reaching for another of the larger pieces of crystal, startled and did a double take when he looked at me. In that moment, I got a brief look at a pair of hooded eyes.

“Are you alright?” I asked again as I assisted in the cleanup. “Please, it’s only a vase. A towel for the water and a broom for the glass, and it will be all gone.”

I glanced up and gave him the biggest and calmest smile I could. He blinked once, then again, before he shifted his gaze to travel down my neck and shoulders.

I cocked my head to the side. My, my, he was a looker—and not just because he was looking at me but because he was handsome. He had sharp cheekbones set into a full oval face with eyes so deep and dark blue that I thought I might fall into them and drown. His full lips opened and closed like a fish out of water.

“Are you alright?” I repeated quietly as he continued to stare at me.

He shook his head and cleared his throat at the same time. “Yes, I’m very sorry.” He drew his attention back to cleaning the mess.

I reached for his forearm, immediately noting the soft, almost silky quality of his suit jacket. Wow, that had to be expensive. “You don’t have to clean this up, I’ll get it.” I gave him another one of my award-winning smiles at which he blinked a few more times.

“Um,” I stood, holding my right hand out, “I’m Harper Reed, the owner of The Inn and Out Bed and Breakfast. Do you have a reservation?” I didn’t recall anyone scheduled to arrive this early in the day, but sometimes people showed up early.

The man ran his entrancing gaze from my toes all the way up, then from my face down my shoulder and along my arm to rest on my outstretched hand. As he began to reach for it, he unfolded himself from the floor, and my eyes widened with each inch that he grew.

“Good lord, you’re huge,” the words spurted off my tongue without thought. The picture of the man on the computer screen flashed to mind. Would this guy be that big in the equipment category? Without conscious thought, my eyes landed on the zipper area of his dress slacks. Huh, maybe they do exist. I averted my eyes immediately as my cheeks began to warm.

A husky laugh vibrated out of his chest as he took my hand. “I’ve heard that a time or two.”

Also in the Series

Book One: Tangled in Tinsel

Book Two: Tears to Cheers

Book Three:  Heathens to Hearts

Book Four: Rainbows Bring Riches

Book Five: Sweet As Sugar

Book Six: Making Mom Mad

Coming Soon!

Book Eight: Raffles to Rattles

Stacy Eaton is a USA Today Best Selling author and began her writing career in October of 2010. Stacy took an early retirement from law enforcement after over fifteen years of service in 2016, with her last three years in investigations and crime scene investigation to write full time.

Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, who works in law enforcement, and her teen daughter who is working toward her second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and on the choral and cheerleading squads at school. She also has a son who is currently serving in the United States Navy.

Stacy is very involved in Domestic Violence Awareness and served on the Board of Directors for her local Domestic Violence Center for three years.

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