Sunday, June 11, 2017

Review - A Sky Full of Stars by Samantha Chase

A Sky Full of Stars
by Samantha Chase
Series: Shaughnessy Brothers, #5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Brilliant astrophysicist Dr. Owen Shaughnessy feels more connected to the cosmos than to people. He’s great with calculations, but when he leads a team of scientists to study a famous meteor shower, he doesn’t factor in his free-spirited artist assistant Brooke Matthews.

Polar opposites in personality, the friction between them threatens to derail the project. But the beauty and mystery of the night sky draw Owen and Brooke together—and she’s going to surprise him in ways the stars never could.

What a wonderful read! Samantha Chase has crafted a romance so full of the feels that you can’t help but sigh in satisfaction when you turn the last page!

Owen has always been the shy, quiet, nerdy Shaughnessy brother. The Clark Kent to his rock star twin brother’s Superman. He’s a bit socially awkward and still carries around a lot of the same insecurities that plagued him during his childhood. He’s been so wrapped up in his work that he often doesn’t even notice that life is happening around him, and if it wasn’t for his family he probably would never get his head out of the stars.

Brooke was once a mean girl beauty queen who was never given credit for her intelligence since that credit was always reserved for her brother who was a certified genius. After tragedy struck her family she was forced to take a hard look at her life and is trying to be a better person. She’s trying to find her passion in her painting and create a life for herself that is just that – for herself. She’s still haunted by her past, but with the help of her Uncle Howard who is her biggest supporter, she is coming to terms with who she is and who she wants to be.

Owen and Brooke share a connection from their first meeting – but neither believe that the other could truly be interested in what they had to offer or was willing to take a chance to find out, but when fate has these two spending time together it isn't long before these two realize that the heart wants what the heart wants. Owen also isn’t thrilled that thoughts of Brooke are distracting from his work, something that has never happened. She’s so distracting in fact that he wasn’t even aware the he was distracted…
He looked down at her as they walked. Her expression was relaxed, her cheeks slightly rosy from the cool air, and just looking at her gave him a sense of peace. Having her with him on the trip would definitely be a distraction. A big one. In fact, he knew it would be hard to even remember to work or talk to his students when all he’d be able to think about was getting Brooke alone and touching her and kissing her and just being with her.

He stopped dead in his tracks.

Never before had anything distracted him from his work. Ever.
I loved that these two pretty much said what was on their mind and they didn’t play games. There were a few bumps in their relationship that were mostly caused by their own insecurities – yep, looking at you Owen for that move near the end – but each and every one of these bumps made them both stronger as individuals and as a couple.

And what would a Shaughnessy Brothers novel be without getting to spend some time with the entire family? I loved catching up with everyone and, even though they got me a bit angry at how the treated Owen, I loved watching him stand up to his over-protective family and redefining his relationship with them. There are some interesting dynamics going on with the family so it will be interesting to see where the next installment takes us.

Overall, this was a well-written book that moved a little bit slow to start as the groundwork for Owen and Brooke’s relationship was laid, but once the pace picked up it was hard to put down. There’s not a lot of heat in this book, but the emotion, passion, and heart more than make up for it. And although this is book 5 in a series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone, so nothing but missing out on some other great books would be missed by starting the series here.

This is one that definitely belongs on any romance lover’s bookshelf!

I received an advance reader copy from the publisher via NetGalley which I voluntarily reviewed.

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