Wednesday, December 2, 2020

A Gathering of Snowmen by P. Mattern - New Release

A Gathering of Snowmen
by P. Mattern
Genre: Clean Sweet Christmas Story
Release Date: November 28, 2020

“Sometimes, the Magic you need is right under your feet!”

Jeremiah Barlow and his three siblings are feeling glum as the holidays approach. With the Pandemic still ongoing, their Aunt and Uncle won’t be visiting, everything on their Christmas list has been sold out online for 2 months, and all the school-related activities they were looking forward to won’t be happening simply.

Worst of all, the youngest Barlow, Mollie, is inconsolable after finding out that Santa doesn’t really exist.

It seems as though nothing will cheer up the holidays until one of them has an inspiration-a way to celebrate with others while still maintaining the Social Distancing rules.

They are praying that the weather cooperates because if it does, it will STILL be a Christmas to remember!

Amazon #1 and Top 100 Bestselling and Award Winning author P. Mattern wrote stories to entertain classmates in elementary school and won awards for fiction and poetry while attending college. After being laid off from her professional job in Mental Health, she began writing down all the stories she'd been carrying around in her head and had made outlines for in earnest.

Inspired by Anne Rice and her handicapped son, World of Azglen was born. About a widow and her adult handicapped son who becomes brainy and strong after being bitten by a vampire, it became the first installment of the #1 Amazon bestselling Full Moon Series! Soon her children, J.C. Estall and Marcus Mattern, joined her in writing the Full Moon Series, Amazon Bestselling Andy of the Damned, Strident House, #1 Bestseller Shock of Night, Forest of Bleeding Trees and many others. This family writing dynasty is currently working on Book Seven of the Full Moon Series, a dystopian novel, Andy of the Damned Book Two, and finishing the last installment of Vampire Princess (the Arctic Circle Series).

P. Mattern is a member of Thriller Writers Association. Her work has appeared in numerous ezines and anthologies; (Girls Rock Horror Harder, The Animal Horror Collection, Painted Mayhem Horror Anthology, Mystical Magical, Erotic Exotic Paranormal, and Santa's Naughty List. She has two books under Booktrope Publishers's Forsaken imprint and a contract with Tell-Tale Publishing.
P. Mattern lives in the Midwest and is currently involved with one of her characters. ("It's complicated.")
Winner Second Place Scariest Story Contest /Tell-Tale Publishing 2015 for 'Terrible Choices.

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