Em & M Books is happy to support authors any way we can
and will entertain most requests to help get the word out about your books.
To inquire about having us feature a book, do an author
spotlight, promote a cover reveal, or even just do a guest post, please email
us at EMandMBooks@gmail.com with a
subject line of “Blog Post Request” and let us know what you are looking for. We will also entertain requests to hijack our blog or Facebook page - just shoot us an email and let us know what you are looking for!
Review Requests:
At this time we are selectively taking requests for reviews. Please
remember that we are not professional reviewers, we just love to read and let
everyone know what we think about the books we read, honestly and constructively.
Our reviews are always published on Goodreads, Amazon, and on our blog. We will also publish them to Barnes & Noble, BookBub, Kobo, or other sites if requested. We will also cross post reviews that are featured on our blog to our Facebook page and Twitter account.
Our main focus is on romance – everything from romantic
suspense, to contemporary, and most things in between. You can take
a look on the blog and see a sampling of the books that we have reviewed and the
style of our reviews. Please send an email to EMandMBooks@gmail.com with “Review
Request” in the subject line and include the details about the book you would
like us to review as well as any other information that would be helpful, including release date if this is a new book, and when you would like to have a review done by.
Please note: We are a bit obsessive/compulsive, so if your
book is part of a series we may ask to start at the beginning if your book
cannot be read as a standalone.
Our Rating System:
5 Stars: Love It! We could “feel the feelz” throughout the
whole book. Will always recommend but won’t lend you my copy in fear of it
being hurt, but will buy you your own copy because I love it so much!
4.5 Stars: Awesome! Will always recommend, may lend you my
copy, depends on how hot the cover is, may offer to buy you a copy as well!
4 Stars: Fabulous! Will highly recommend, will lend you my
copy and really encourage you to buy your own copy.
3 Stars: Liked it! Will lend you my copy.
Some of the books that are featured on this blog have been provided by the author, publisher, Net Galley, Library Thing, or other third party sites in exchange for an honest review. We receive no monetary compensation or other consideration for any reviews, and the opinions expressed in the reviews on this site are done so honestly and are not swayed by any factors other than our opinions.
Em & M Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This does not change the purchase price for the consumer. Amazon Associate links are usually designated to PURCHASE links.
At this time, Em & M Books does not have paid advertising and does not participate in “paid for” promo spots or features.