Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Killing Cure: Redeem by C.S. Kendall - New Release and Giveaway

The Killing Cure: Redeem
by C.S. Kendall
Series: The Killing Cure, #3
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Release Date: February 4, 2020

Finally, after a century apart, Julia and Charlie begin building a life together. But once again, their plans for a future are thwarted when Charlie displays puzzling side effects of his supernatural existence as the Phoenix. As his symptoms progress and Julia runs out of options, they are forced to seek out the only other immortal they know—Charlie’s former captor, Amara.

Darius and Amara go back millennia. Having drunk from the murderous Fountain of Youth, their history is marred by deadly choices. Amara is desperate to have Darius back but he cannot forgive her for the part she played in unleashing the Fountain of Youth on the world or for what the water made her do.

When Julia gets wind of Amara’s insidious plan to redeem herself, she finds that an enemy of an enemy is a friend. After saving her life, Darius reveals the truth about Charlie’s existence as the Phoenix, including the fact that this time, Julia can’t save the only man she’s ever loved. Armed with nothing but a shadowy foretelling about the Phoenix, Julia discovers that with Charlie and his newfound abilities they may be able to stop Amara from unleashing her treachery on the world. The only problem is they have no idea how. Even if they could figure it out, will the cost of bringing Amara down be too high?

The coffee finished dripping, and Julia poured two mugs in silence. She turned to face Charlie, handing him one of the mugs. “We need to figure out what’s happening here.”

“You don’t’ have to convince me. As distressing as it is to take on the painful memories of others, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that being a miracle worker comes with side effects.”

Julia laughed. “Stop calling yourself that.”

“What? Miracle worker? What would you call me?”

She stared at him for a moment, but nothing clever came to mind. “I got nothing.”

“Then don’t judge.”

Julia sobered. “But why? Why side effects? You do the world a favor! As far as Amara’s concerned, you’re some kind of freaking Savior or something. Why should you suffer?”

“Why should anyone? What makes me less entitled to my share of suffering?”

“This isn’t your share. This is other peoples’ share.”

“I don’t know…there’s always balance, right? The Fountain of youth heals you, but it makes a killer of you. The antidote spares you from such a fate, but you’ll be sick or mortal again. Everything has a cost. A counterweight.”

“I supposed. Still—“

Charlie set his coffee on the small spread of counter and wrapped his arms around Julia. He pierced her gaze with his chocolate eyes.

“Can you just enjoy the moments I’m sane?” Pushing a tendril of hair out of her face, he laid a kiss on her forehead. “I have an idea. We’re up early. How about we try to catch the sunrise?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea.”

Hand in hand, they retreated to the porch. Julia draped herself across Charlie’s lap, and they sat in quiet content, waiting for the sun to take its first glimpse over the horizon.

“Ah, this is what I always imagined.” Charlie’s eyes were closed, his arms wrapped around Julia as he held her close to his body.

“These are the perfect moments,” Julia agreed. “When I was out on the road hunting down all those who had a drink from the Fountain, I would often wonder what a quiet morning would be like with you. Or an uneventful evening. Sometimes I felt so far from the girl I was, I wondered if I’d be able to enjoy something normal like this with you.”

“And can you?”

“So far, so good.”

She kissed Charlie’s nose.

Charlie tipped Julia’s chin with his finger, lifting her gaze to meet his. “This is all I ever wanted. You, me, the quiet…” he trailed, a certain sadness shadowing his expression.

“And children. You always wanted children.”

She tousled her fingers through his hair and kissed him on the cheek, with the wish in her heart that she could give him what he’s always longed for.

“I did. But I’ve come to terms with the fact that that dream had to go with everything else. But I’m happy to find a new dream, as long as you’re by my side.”

“Nothing could tear me away.”

Copyright© 2020 The Kill Cure: Redeem
C.S. Kendall

Buy the Series

Kate has an MA in art history from San José State University and has taught art history at a local college. For many years, she has worked as a dental hygienist, courageously offering encouragement to her non-flossing patients.

She has always enjoyed writing but became more serious after being encouraged by a friend to participate in National Novel Writing Month. She began writing historical fiction but soon realized that the romance was taking over the history.

Kate is a Bay Area native who lives near the beach with her husband and Lola, their spoiled Labrador Retriever. When not writing, she enjoys cooking, music, movies, reading, and fangirling over Jamie Dornan.

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