Friday, May 18, 2018

The Emergent Threat by J.F. Cain - Promo @MoBPromos

The Emergent Threat
by J.F. Cain
Series: War Eternal, Book II
Genre: Romantic Fantasy Adventure
Release Date: April 8, 2018

Alex risked his soul to reunite with Aranes, the angel he’s in love with, forcing her to make the ultimate sacrifice to save him. Having lost her supernatural powers, Guardians and Exorcists fight tooth and nail to protect her, but they cannot keep the dark forces that are after her away for long.

Aranes’ relationship with Alex also puts him in the crosshairs of Lucifer, who wants the angel for himself and plans to destroy his rival, even if he doesn’t believe that the man is the incarnation of the high-ranking Celestial, Abaddon.

Alex must push himself beyond his limits and use all his wits to thwart Lucifer’s plans. He may be just an ordinary man, but he won't give up his partner without a fight. He’s willing to pay any price, any price except for losing her.

Alex struggled to find some fragments of self-control inside himself that would help him stop kissing her. Pulling back, he lifted his cup and took a sip of coffee in an effort to lessen the sexual tension. He then put a slice of bread on his plate, scooped a knob of butter with his knife and started to spread it on the slice with jerky motions. Right now it was better if he kept his hands busy, otherwise he’d lay them on her again, and this time there would be no power strong enough to rip them off of her.

“I hope the changes you were talking about will be pleasant ones,” he said in a relatively calm voice, resuming the discussion. He spread some honey on his slice and started to chew, feigning indifference.

“In the end, yes,” Aranes replied, preparing him for what she expected would happen.

“What do you mean, exactly?” Alex asked warily.

“You know that everything has a price. You didn’t get where you are now without making any sacrifices,” she reminded him.

Alex practically flung the slice of bread onto his plate and turned to look at her. An ominous shadow had darkened his gaze.

“I’m prepared to do anything. The only sacrifice I won’t make is to lose you again,” he stated categorically.

Aranes rested her hand on his naked biceps.

“I will always be with you,” she assured him, her expression showing that she intended to keep her word.

Her steady gaze and the determination in her voice calmed Alex somewhat.

“Are you sure?” he asked more gently. “Because if that means that you’ll be with me in the way you were before, then you haven’t understood what I mean.” The thought of being without her again wounded him deeply. Not even he knew what he would do if that happened.

“I don’t know what will happen in the future,” Aranes replied. “What I can promise you is that I’ll do everything in my power so that we don’t ever part.”

Troubled, Alex turned to gaze at the ocean stretching out in front of the mansion. He believed that the Power that had allowed her to leave would someday claim her again. You didn’t need to be especially clever to realize that there was an important reason behind such a critical decision. And it definitely didn’t concern his soul. In theory, countless souls were lost every day. What was so special about his that It would send the most valuable Angel to save him from Lucifer’s grasp?

Aranes didn’t need to hear his thoughts, his expression said it all.

“Worry and negativity won’t help,” she said, her tender gaze caressing his darkened expression. “Remember that nothing is impossible for those who truly love. No matter what it is they love.”

“There’s no doubt about that,” Alex agreed, knowing that there was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep her by his side.

“Then why are you afraid?” she asked.

His sense of pride rebelled.

“The only thing I’m afraid of is losing you. Absolutely nothing else,” he declared, his gaze filled with intensity.

“It is the same for me,” Aranes replied calmly.

Her statement was a welcome surprise to Alex. Her loving him was different than her also having the same fear of losing him. If she didn’t want it, then no power would be able to take her from him. No one would separate them. One possibility suddenly popped into his mind. That the Angel he loved had forced the Source to let her leave, which is why It had taken away her powers. It had likely resented Aranes’ behavior and the wounds on her back were the biggest proof of it. This explained things better, and the sacrifice that the celestial being gazing at him with love had made now increased in value.

Also in the Series

J. F. Cain is a writer with a restless mind who spent years of her life reading and traveling. But of all the places she has been to, her favorite is a house in the mountains where she can focus on her writing.

She is a seeker of knowledge who transcribes the results of her studies in her books. Her favorite pastime –other than reading and writing– is scouring libraries.

However, she has lately convinced herself that she enjoys shopping just as much, as well as spending time with family and friends – the few that can still tolerate her frequent and extended periods of absence.

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