Act Like It
by Lucy Parker
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Carina Press
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: November 30, 2015

This just in: romance takes center stage as West End theatre's Richard Troy steps out with none other than castmate Elaine Graham
Richard Troy used to be the hottest actor in London, but the only thing firing up lately is his temper. We all love to love a bad boy, but Richard's antics have made him Enemy Number One, breaking the hearts of fans across the city.
Have the tides turned? Has English rose Lainie Graham made him into a new man?
Sources say the mismatched pair has been spotted at multiple events, arm in arm and hip to hip. From fits of jealousy to longing looks and heated whispers, onlookers are stunned by this blooming romance.
Could the rumors be right? Could this unlikely romance be the real thing? Or are these gifted stage actors playing us all?

Richard suddenly swore under his breath, and Lainie saw Lynette weaving toward them through the crowd. She was also wearing a little black dress, but it was decidedly littler than Lainie’s. And her shoes were fabulous. Lainie eyed them covetously. Evidently, even a commission from Richard’s salary was more profitable than her own earnings.
“A photographer from Tatler is circling.” The theatrical agent looked them up and down critically, exactly as if she were a parent grooming her children for their school pictures. She looked about three seconds away from licking her thumb and smoothing back Richard’s errant curl. “In a moment, I want you to put your arm around Lainie, Richard, and say something into her ear. Lainie, you look up at him and laugh. Then kiss her. A peck. Playful. Affectionate.”
“This is not a sitcom,” Lainie snapped. “I am not going to mindlessly giggle and pucker up on cue. We agreed to attend events and hold hands. Done and done.”
“No,” Lynette said with barely leashed temper. Maybe Richard was rubbing off on her. “You agreed to foster a certain impression.” She looked around at a few interested faces and lowered her voice. “Which is not being fulfilled by the two of you standing three feet apart, glowering at one another. Only the most diehard romantic and the clinically brain-dead would be seeing hearts and flowers.”
A camera flash went off nearby and Lainie spotted the photographer turning in their direction.
With a sigh that almost parted her hair, Richard lifted his arm and slid it around her waist. Pulling her up against him, he smiled down at her and the creases reappeared around his sardonic blue eyes. His warm breath gently fanned her ear when he ducked his head and whispered, “You’re habitually overplaying the death scene.”
Her own eyes sparking retribution, she returned his smile. And laughed, light and tinkling, like an absolute idiot. She could feel herself tensing, knowing what was coming next, and had to steel herself not to physically lean back from his mouth.
It was the most sexless, unexciting kiss she’d had since primary school, when a seven-year-old boy had kissed her on a dare and then run off screaming to stick his face in the drinking fountain. Eric Westfield had used more tongue on the back of her hand. After a couple of seconds, there was another camera flash, and Richard removed his lips from her person, looking equally bored.
“There,” said their proud surrogate mother. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” She smiled cajolingly at an unimpressed Lainie. “And you look great. Love the dress.” Which was not exactly convincing, when her own was clearly nicer. “Doesn’t she look nice, Richard?” Lynette prompted him, again with the parental nagging.
Richard spared Lainie’s dress another brief glance. “Hmm,” he said, and Lynette looked as if a few silent prayers for patience were taking place behind her bland expression.
“It’s fortunate you’re so attractive,” she said to Lainie, with a certain amount of relief.
It would obviously be too much to expect the great actor to lower his lips to a plain face.
This whole evening was beginning to feel exhausting.

Lucy Parker lives in the gorgeous Central Otago region of New Zealand, where she feels lucky every day to look out at mountains, lakes, and vineyards. She has a degree in Art History, loves museums and art galleries, and doodles unrecognizable flowers when she has writer’s block.
When she’s not writing, working or sleeping, she happily tackles the towering pile of to-be-read books that never gets any smaller. Thankfully, there’s always another story waiting.
Her interest in romantic fiction began with a pre-teen viewing of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (Firth-style), which prompted her to read the book as well. A family friend introduced her to Georgette Heyer, and the rest was history.

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