Saturday, September 30, 2017

Falling Into Right by Sharon Kay @sharonkaynovels - Cover Reveal + Pre-Order @BuoniAmiciPress

Falling Into Right
by Sharon Kay
Series:  Redemption County, #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 24, 2017

How do you recover when life kick boxes your soul?

Becca Gable is fighting to stay on her feet after a series of crushing losses. She's always been the good girl until the events of the past year push her to make a mistake she can’t take back. Now, her corporate finance job and her fiancée are gone thanks to her newly-acquired criminal record.

Shane Marlow survived an IED blast during his service in Iraq—but half his team did not. Physically healed, he returns to his home county as a K9 officer. The scars of loss run deep and though local folks admire him, no one truly gets him—until Becca literally lands in front of him.

Their bond of shared tragedy evolves into a connection both fiery and healing. But a stalker decides that Becca’s crime should stay front and center. As the unsettling episodes reveal that no part of her life is secret, Shane is all that stands between her and the enemy.

Shane dipped his head to her ear and kissed a path down. Hell, he’d thought about kissing her all night. He couldn’t wait to taste more than her mouth.

Licking along the vein at Becca’s throat, he dipped his hand at her waist lower, caressing her hip. She squirmed and let out another shaky sigh. When he got to the spot where her neck flowed into her shoulder, he sucked gently—

A giggle escaped her.

He glanced up.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

He went back to tasting her, getting the faint tang of exertion mixed with the heady scent of her skin. But she giggled again.

He straightened, setting both hands on her waist. She looked sexy and delicious, but also a bit embarrassed.

“I’m sorry,” she said again. “That tickles. ‘Cause I-I’m kinds tipsy.”

He flexed his fingers into her, loving how she stated the obvious. But good to know she wasn’t always a giggle box. “I know. So we’re stopping.”

A flash of worry on her eyes. “Are you mad that I am?”

“No, ‘course not.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I like you tipsy. You’re pretty damn cute, all giggly.”

“Giggly, tripping, dropping stuff…” She kept her hands behind his neck. “I haven’t had a first date in so long, I don’t even know what to do.”

“You’re doin’ just fine.” He kept his hands at her waist, because she was inches away and tempting, and they weren’t going any farther tonight. “Especially the part where you said there’d be a second date.”

“Yeah. For sure.”

“And next time I kiss your neck…” He traced a finger along her dewy skin below her ear.

She sucked in a breath.

“I want you sober.” Not that he would mind getting stone cold drunk with her—but for what he wanted to do to her, with her, he wanted her completely aware and on board with him.

Sharon Kay writes award-winning fiction and can never get enough reading time. She loves winter and black coffee, and is endlessly inspired to write kick-ass heroines and the men strong enough to capture their hearts. Sharon lives in the Chicago area with her husband and son, and one weekend the idea for her Lash Watchers and tough leading ladies formed in her head, refusing to stay quiet until she put pen to paper. Her characters tend to keep her up at night, as they banter, fall in love, and slay endless varieties of power-hungry demons.

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