Undercover Attraction
by Katee Robert
Series: The O’Malleys, #5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 28, 2017

Scandal. Wealth. Power. Seduction. Welcome to the world of the O'Malleys.
Ex-cop Charlotte Finch used to think there was a clear line between right and wrong. Then her fellow officers betrayed her, and the world is no longer so black and white. Especially when it's Aiden O'Malley, one of the most dangerous men in Boston, who offers her a chance for justice. The only catch: she'll have to pretend to be his fiancée for his plan to work.
Aiden can't afford to let anyone see the man behind the mask. To run the O'Malley empire, he has to be cool and controlled at all times. But the moment he meets Charlie, they're playing with fire. Her slightest touch is enough to send him over the edge. At first their "engagement" was a way to eliminate his enemies. Now he'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe-- even if he has to destroy his own family to do it.

Undercover Attraction Excerpt
Copyright © 2017 Katee Robert
“Let’s get one thing clear—”
“One thing? I have a goddamn list.”
He bracketed her throat, putting just enough pressure there to stop her words. “Did you change your mind?”
She narrowed her eyes but didn’t try to pretend she had no idea what he was talking about. “You play your game your way. I’ll play it mine.”

“Don’t think for a second it would work.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “And beyond that, we’re already going to be late, so unless you’re looking for a quickie, fucking me in any way is out of the question.”
The irrational side of him, which always seemed to come into play around her, rose to demand he throw caution to the wind and prove her wrong. He reined it in, but only barely. Every time she pushed him, intentionally or not, he slid a little closer to the edge. It was only a matter of time before he went over—and took her with him.
Aiden let go of her and stepped back. He didn’t like the confusion on her face—or the flicker of hurt that rose as he moved to the dresser across the room. For all her spikes, there was something fragile about Charlie, and he’d have to be a special kind of bastard to want to shatter her, no matter who her father was.
He opened the drawer at the bottom that had been empty until a week ago. “Take off your panties.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
He gave her a look. “You heard me.”
“I’m waiting for you to explain.”
Aiden shook his head slowly. “There aren’t two separate games—there’s only my game. Either play along or deal with the consequences.” He picked an item out of the drawer and held it up. “Here’s your first punishment.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.” But her eyes lit with interest at the small blue vibe in his hand.
He motioned her forward, giving her plenty of time to tell him to go to hell.
But she didn’t.
Charlie moved to stand directly in front of him. He lifted her dress to the tops of her thighs, bunching the shimmering fabric. “Hold this,” he ordered.
“You are aggravating in the extreme.”
“So I’ve been told.” He pulled her panties down to her thighs. It was tempting to kiss her there, but he forced himself to stay on task. Aiden held the small vibe against her clit as he shifted the lace back into place. It took a few seconds to maneuver it to exactly where he wanted, but then he sat back on his heels. “You can let go now.”
“This is an important night, Aiden.” She shifted, a frown on her face. “We don’t have time for your sex games to distract me.”
He pulled out his phone and brought up the app he’d downloaded when he bought the sex toy. A flick of his finger and her entire body tensed. Aiden didn’t bother to hide his satisfied smile. It fell away when he touched his pocket and the little box it held. “One more thing.”
“I swear to God, I draw the line at anal plugs, so don’t even think about it.”
That surprised a laugh out of him. What surprised him even more was how good it felt. When was the last time he’d laughed freely in a way that wasn’t calculated?
Aiden couldn’t remember.
He stood and pulled out the ring box. “I’d go down on one knee, but that isn’t the kind of relationship we have.”
“No, it’s not.” She looked a little sick, but she held out her hand so he could slide the ring onto it. “Aiden, it’s beautiful.”
“It was my grandmother’s.” It had taken some shady work to figure out Charlie’s ring size after he’d first met her, so that he could get the ring resized. He hadn’t told anyone about it. Though he’d been as sure of her as he could be of a near-stranger, he hadn’t wanted to admit the lengths he’d gone through, in case things didn’t pan out.
If anything, she looked even more horrified. “I can’t wear your grandmother’s ring. It’s not right.”
“You have to. As oldest son and heir, that ring rightfully belongs to my future wife. It would be more than a little suspicious if I didn’t give it to you.”
She touched the massive diamond. It was in the same setting as when his grandfather had proposed, little rubies and garnets surrounding the diamond, to represent colors in the O’Malley crest.
It felt a whole lot like he’d just branded Charlie.
It didn’t bother him nearly as much as it should.


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