Sunday, July 19, 2020

Cocky Hero Club - New Releases

Cocky Hero Club
Release Date: July 19, 2020

Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.

Rockstar Romeo by Abbie Zanders

After nearly two decades in the rock and roll business, Jace Logan has seen and done it all. It’s been a long time since someone told him no regarding anything. Until her. She’s different.

She’s gorgeous, sexy, and oddly familiar, but he can’t figure out why. When she shuts him down, she only makes herself that much more intriguing and he’s determined to find out more. What he discovers leaves him reeling.

Eva D’Agolino is a single, successful working mother of twin boys, but she wasn’t always a paragon of corporate responsibility. Once a part of the rock and roll life herself, she traded in the glitz and glamor for her kids. These days, she prefers to live and work behind the curtain instead of center stage.

Denying Jace completely proves impossible, but she’s no fool. She’s already been down that road and knows how the song ends.

Can Jace convince Eva that he’s nothing like her ex, and that theirs is truly a love song for the ages?

Amazon ~ Audio: Coming Soon!

Reckless Suit by Alexia Chase

Can a divorced man find love with a much younger woman?

Damon Macklin

He’s been divorced for years and is preparing for his oldest child’s wedding when a beautiful young woman runs into him in the resort lobby.

He’s much too old for her, but when his daughter, Karissa, decides – once again – it’s time for him to “make nice” with his ex-wife, he tells her that he’s dating someone. Which someone? He uses the name of the woman he ran into at the front desk.

Chloe Morgan

She’s hiding out at a Lake Tahoe resort for the weekend after catching her boyfriend and cousin in an intimate act. Her best friend, Dalilah Knight, pays for her reservation and all she must do is pretend to be her friend for the weekend. Simple? Wrong.

What happens when two people, who shouldn’t have anything in common, get thrown together for a weekend at a five-star resort?

Will Chloe help Damon out when he gets caught in his lie? How long can they keep their hands off each other while pretending to be a couple?

Do Chloe’s parents know where she is? Will Chloe ever tell Damon her name?

What happens in Tahoe, stays in Tahoe. Not always.

What if Damon and Chloe have a lot more in common than they think? Manhattan here we come.

Can they work past their miscommunications and fears?

This story is filled with twists, turns, ups and downs. By the time you’re done, you’re going to feel like you just stepped off a roller coaster ride.

Buckle up, Baby!

Amazon ~ Audio: Coming Soon!

Egotistical Player by Bella Emy

Preston Scott.
Self-centered asshole.
Self-absorbed prick.
The king of supposed one-night stands, and my brother’s best friend.
I hate him.
I loathe him.
I despise him.
I love him.
He’s the man of my dreams and everything I know I should stay away from, but, oh, he’s so irresistible.
The things he does to me, I can’t keep my mind off of him.
But God, I need to keep my distance, yet I’m so drawn to him.
And then in an instant when my world is forever changed, Preston is the only one who I can turn to for comfort. He takes care of me, my mind, my soul, my heart, and my body.
But I know this can never last.
It’s not in him to settle down, and he surely won’t with his best friend’s sister.

Cocky Catcher by Chiquita Dennie

Gage Young is the hottest baseball player in the league. This Billionaire Catcher can lead the team to the World Series and win daddy of the year, but he can’t capture the heart, mind, and body of Nina Mitchell.

Nina’s dealing with more than an arrogant baseball player who’s used to running the show. Her family’s business is under pressure to sell out and make room for another mall. Come to find out; Gage Young has a stake in the deal. He talks with old friends Tig and Delia for advice.

Can these headstrong players let regulations slide? Or will rules get in the way of new love?

Amazon ~ Audio: Coming Soon!

Cocky Striker by Evan Grace

Some say I’m cocky — I say I’m confident.

Things have always come easy for me; sports, academics…girls. And I’ve used all of that to my advantage the past three years of college.
I’ve got it all, or at least I thought I did until Laken walks into my life.
I've never desired a relationship like my parents have, but there is some mysterious pull I feel toward this brunette I’ve noticed around campus.
And with each interaction we have, I long to know her more. Yet the closer we get, the harder she resists and the higher the walls go up.
I sense there’s something more – a secret she’s hiding – one she doesn’t trust to share with me yet.
But she will, if I have my way, and I’ll do anything if she’ll take a chance on me. On us. I grew up hearing the story of how my parents met, their separation, how my dad fought for them, and their happily ever after. I just never expected or wanted to find that for myself.
Now that I have I don’t want to ever let them go.

But when I’m given the opportunity of a lifetime after graduation, will the offer of my heart be enough for her to accept? Or will I lose her forever?

Shameless Bastard by J. Haney & S.I. Hayes

Temping sucks, especially when you have a shopping addiction.
I started at Seemore Temps when my dreams were shattered and I needed something to pay the bills.
At Seemore Temps they pride themselves on the three B’s. Beauty, Brains, and Bounty.
They supply the mostly male-driven businesses of Manhattan with able women that can do the job, and look good too.
Needless to say, we’re a popular Agency.
Working for Mason Chase should have been easy. He was married, kind and a bit of a flirt, but pretty harmless.
Not like James Murtaugh or the Shameless Bastard as I’ve come to call him.
He’s the ruthless, arrogant CEO of Renowned Investment Financial, and he’s set his eyes on... me.
He can have any woman he wants and will go to great lengths to have them.
I need this job, but I want, Christ, what do I want? Do I give in? Let him conquer me like some Emperor?
Or do I stay in my place and collect the paycheck? We shall see, either way, it’s gonna be interesting.
All good things must come to an end, right?
Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.

Cocky Contender by JM Kelley

I’ve been throwing punches since I was old enough to remember.

They call me The Lion; a sexy, tattooed beast in the cage.

I gave it all up after my brother’s accident. Now I’m trying to figure a way to save my family’s legacy, at the same time, mend my broken heart.

I’ve been in love with my friend Soraya since the ninth grade. Too bad she’s in love with someone else. I even have a broken jaw to prove it.

My life is a mess. Until a smoking hot, little firecracker with a zesty attitude walks into my gym and turns everything upside down.

She’s got secrets; someone she’s hiding from, and I’m going to find out who.

I won’t let her run anymore. I’ll show her she’s worth the fight.

I must pull off the biggest win of my life.
I’m ready to battle in and out of the octagon for her.

I’m ready to save my family’s livelihood and win the woman of my dreams.
I’m ready to battle for my destiny.

Don’t think you know how this fight is going to turn out.

Heartbreaker by Julie Kriss

Holden Whittaker broke my heart when I was eighteen. What kind of guy stands up his prom date and leaves her hanging, waiting for him to show up? A total jerk, that’s who.

Never mind. I left my tiny nowhere town and moved to New York to follow my dream of becoming an actress.

Ten years later, my dream hasn’t happened, and I’m working as the office supply girl at Morgan Financial Holdings, doing my best to keep my paycheck and not get fired by the world’s most terrifying boss. Life couldn’t get much worse, until I get stuck in an elevator and guess who comes to rescue me? In a city of eight million people, it’s Holden.

Turns out he’s moved to New York, too, to be an EMT. I don’t want to see my teenage nemesis as one of the good guys, but he’s out saving lives every day, and he’s still gorgeous and cocky. I could fall for him all over again, and that’s a problem. Because it’s only a matter of time before Holden crushes me again.

My hometown heartbreaker isn’t the guy I left behind anymore. If I could stop hating him, I might belong with him. The question is, which one of us will get hurt first?

Filthy Forward by Kelsey Cheyenne

Cocky. Filthy. Player.

Tatum Trevino waltzed into my life like he owned it. The renowned soccer star showed up as my new coach and changed everything.

Until rumors started flying about the bad boy prodigy kicked off his team. I thought he was nothing but another cocky playboy, but there was another side to him under the facade.

Late training sessions, secret getaways, and a delicious sleeve of tattoos led to temptation. We kept our relationship private, but I wasn’t the only secret he was keeping.

And it’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out.

Cocky Doc by Samantha Lind

I was minding my own business at my new job as a child life specialist when the sexiest doctor in the hospital fell into my lap... literally.

He was every woman’s fantasy, the Adonis in a white coat was charming, not to mention brilliant.

Dr. Andrew “Drew” Montgomery was quite the catch, not the usual type of guy who I’d expect to fall for a woman like me.

The first man who saw past my wheelchair, Drew was also the first man I could see myself settling down with.

We started dating, and everything seemed fine, but something was holding him back, Drew was married to his job and he carried the weight of his namesake. A name I wasn’t sure I could live up to.

I meant to keep my guard up, but it was no use. I was in over my head the moment his gorgeous blue eyes thoroughly examined me.

I knew my body was in good hands, but could I trust my heart with the cocky doctor?

Amazon ~ Audio: Coming Soon!

French Wanker by Victoria Pinder

Why couldn’t a sexy Frenchman be the way to nurse a broken heart on a honeymoon for one? The question plagued me, and part of me figured he was just what the doctor ordered!

On the steps of the Eiffel tower, the hottest man I’d ever seen referred to himself as a wanker on the phone and a surge of heat grew inside me.

And why did British slang suddenly sound like a name in my fantasies?

When Mr. Wanker shows up on my train to Italy, we make a deal that he’ll take me to Monte Carlo and then we can continue onto Rome, together.

My lonely honeymoon for one is now heating up.

And the more time I spend with my Mr. Wanker, the stronger my fantasies of tossing everything and moving to Europe play out in vivid color in my mind.

Falling in love wasn’t supposed to be a part of this vacation. Reality always ruined fairy tales…

Powerful Bastard by Z.N. Willett



“Excuse me, sir, I know this sounds strange, but can I buy that bagel from you?”
I didn’t know at the time that one simple question would change my life irrevocably.
Not to mention the tall, dark, and handsome stranger that came with it.
As a struggling musician in New York, I’d take all the help I could get.
But I wondered at what price? Because, as handsome and powerful as Bentley Schilling was, he was still a bastard.


I’d never forget the day Melody Dumas approached me in that bagel shop.
I sure as hell didn’t plan to offer her assistance. But when she flashed those deep brown eyes, she could get any man to do her bidding.
The streets of New York were not an easy road—one must earn their way. But this beauty was different. She needed to be on a stage, not singing on a street corner.
I had the power to help her make beautiful music.
Question was . . . what was in it for me?

Powerful Bastard is a witty, sexy love story about a free-spirited musician who just might bring a Manhattan powerhouse to his knees.

Amazon ~ Audio: Coming Soon!


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