by Andrea Smith
Series: G-Men, #4
Genre: Romance
Release Date: March 30, 2015

My life is finally perfect. My dreams have all come true. I'm where I want to be with the bureau; having the career I've been planning since I did my stint in the military. I'm married to the one and only woman I've ever loved; my heart beats for her alone. Together we've made beautiful babies that I adore. I'm thirty-three years old and I'm complete.
Then one day, it all changes. Slate recruits me for a temporary assignment that is underneath the radar for a reason. The bureau hasn't sanctioned it as a priority, but Slate feels it is because of who is involved: Sue Ellen Reynard. Yeah, remember her?
Our lives were perfect. Taz and I had everything we'd ever hoped for: family, careers and an everlasting devotion to one another. Suddenly nothing is the same. In a single moment, my biggest fear is realized by one phone call from Slate: an 'agent is missing'.
My agent; my Taz . . .
This is just the beginning of our long journey. Will things ever be the same again?

As soon as the nurse left, I had another visitor.
My wife.
I hadn't seen her since the day she'd left in tears and my alleged younger sister had chewed my ass out for my boorish behavior.
"Hey," I said softly, giving her a smile. Hell, if I could choose only one thing from my past to resurface in my memory it would be anything or everything having to do with her. She was beautiful and it wasn't hard to see why I'd been drawn to her.
"Trace," she said, coming over to take a seat in the chair closest to my hospital bed. "You look better than you did the last time I was here."
Yeah. Trace is my real name. Learned that a week or two ago.
"It's been awhile," I replied. "I'm sorry if I scared you off, Lindsey. I'm trying like hell to remember."
"It's nothing you can help," she replied quickly, giving me a weak smile. "All we can do is work with what we have, I suppose."
She'd brought some photo albums with her. "I thought maybe we could look at some pictures together, that is, if you feel like it."
"Sure," I said, "My doctor recommended doing just that."
"Okay, well let's start with this one then," she said, pulling the one from the bottom. "We'll take this in chronological order, how's that?"
And she opened the album and began showing me pictures that had been taken five years prior. She pointed out my mother and father, her best friend Darcy who I recognized from her earlier visit with her husband--and my half-brother, Easton. I saw Slate in many of the pictures, along with his wife who was also Lindsey's mother. Very pretty. I could picture Slate with her.
"How did we meet?" I asked, and noticed a blush cross over her face.
"Well, I knew you because of Mom and Slate--but we actually didn't get involved with one another until after they got married. I…uh, I kind of got toasted at their reception. You were nice enough to offer me a ride home, and well…I threw up all over your truck."
I laughed at this and, for some reason, I loved the fact that given the choice, Lindsey could have provided a much more appealing story of how we met and I wouldn't have known the difference. Yet she put the truth out there, no matter how disgusting it was. "God, I hope I wasn't an ass about it."
She laughed too and it was music to my ears. "Not at all. You were actually very sweet about it. You took me back to your place, put me in the shower, gave me some of your clean clothes to wear, insisted I brush my teeth and gargle, and then put me to bed."

Haven't met the men of the G-Men Series yet?

I was born and raised in southern Ohio, and with the exception of a brief stint in Dallas, TX, have been an Ohioan most of my life. My dream has always been to write a novel, and back in the early eighties I tried to do just that, having been influenced by authors such as Kathleen Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey, Rosemary Rogers and Laurie McBain. I remember writing to all of them through their listed publishers, and the only response I received was from Johanna Lindsey (who lived in Hawaii at the time.
Ms. Lindsey advised me to continue with my dream; and to submit to various publishers again and again. Of course, at that time, publishing e-books yourself was not on the horizon; there were vanity publishing houses of course, but she advised me to avoid those.
So my dream was put on the back-burner for more than 25 years until June of 2012 when suddenly I no longer had a reason not to write a novel. My sons were grown; I found myself without a career (blessedly) and the creative juices flowed once again.
I finished my first novel, "Maybe Baby" in September of 2012; the next two books in the "Baby Series" titled "Baby Love" and "Be My Baby" were published in early 2013. I learned a lot in my first endeavor with self-publishing. I've made so many friends as a result that it is over-whelming.
In the spring of 2013, I had an idea for a different type of Alpha, and wrote Book #1 of the "G-Man" Series, titled "Diamond Girl." This book was well-received, and I followed it with Book #2, "Love Plus One." These are stand-alone books.
I am finally doing what I love and I sincerely appreciate the wonderful readers who provide feedback and take the time to comment. I hope that with each book, my writing has grown and improved as I strive to publish quality fiction.

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