Sunday, October 4, 2015

Undone by His Kiss by @AnabelleBryant - Blog Tour

Undone by His Kiss
by Anabelle Bryant
Series: Regency Charms, #2
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: August 6, 2015

A most delicious challenge…

Experience has taught Emily Shaw that men are best avoided, so she’s determined to take her place in society alone and unrestrained by marriage. Renting a room in the heart of London, she establishes a Women’s League to promote equality between the sexes and teach women to be independent.

Jasper St. David isn’t looking for distractions, but he’s fascinated by beautiful, fiercely opinionated Emily when she moves into the office above his. And when he learns of her determination never to succumb to male charms, he can’t help but see it as a challenge! After all, Jasper’s always found nothing more tantalizing than the thrill of the chase...

His mouth found hers with uncompromised precision, lost in the glory of her adamant return. Her fingers slid through the hair at his temples, locking him to her in an expression of eager participation that made his heart pound and his cock ache. She tasted like a dream, an ambrosial combination of feminine sweetness and forbidden fruit, the freedom he yearned for and the divine fantasy he’d conjured, united in the hot slick rub of her tongue against his, the petal-soft press of her mouth against his jaw, his chin, his cheek. She rasped some delicious little noise, a murmur in the back of her throat, an entreaty for him to pleasure her, and he supplicated with fervor, dragging his mouth across her cheekbone to find the delicate shell of her ear where he whispered all the wicked thoughts kept buried in his heart.

She stilled. Perhaps he’d revealed too much, offended her refined gentility. His pulse hammered, while he waited, his breath hard and fast. Then her lips found his, her tongue next with a timid caress of his lower lip, licking, tasting his mouth to continue their kiss until all thought became impossible, obliterated by the thrum of passion and urgency and need. He pressed her against the velvet bolster, his shirt against her dress little barrier to the soft skin she hid beneath. Her fingers twined in the braces at his shoulders, as if lifelines to anchor her, the threat of their passion enough to sweep them away.

He wanted to strip her bare, discover every inch from neck to navel, to tell her she’d answered the silent prayer he hadn’t known lived in his soul. To drive into her delicate honey-sweet sex and make her his alone. He fought the desire with all the strength he owned.

Anabelle began reading at age three and never stopped.  Her passion for reading soon turned into a passion for writing and an author was born.  Happy to grab a suitcase if it ensures a new adventure, Anabelle finds endless inspiration in travel, especially imaginary jaunts into Regency England, a far cry from her home in New Jersey.  Instead, her clever characters live out her daydreams because really, who wouldn't want to dance with a handsome duke or kiss a wicked earl?

Though teaching keeps her grounded, photography, running and writing, counterbalance her wanderlust.  Often found with her nose in a book, Anabelle earned her Master's Degree and is completing her Doctorate Degree in education.  Thrilled to be an author for Harlequin's Carina line, Anabelle's historical romances are character driven.  She strives to provide a heartfelt connection between her hero, heroine, and the reader, believing the emotional journey on the path to true love is the most important bond.  Clever secondary characters and lively conversation keep the pages turning.

Anabelle knows sometimes life doesn't provide a happily ever after, but her novels always do.  She enjoys talking with her fans.  Follow her on Facebook and join her mailing list for the latest news concerning her upcoming novels.

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