Saturday, October 1, 2016

Review - Southern Nights and Secrets by Robin Covington

Southern Nights and Secrets
by Robin Covington
Series: The Boys Are Back in Town, #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 19, 2016

Being a doctor is everything to me, but I’m not going to let bureaucrats tell me how to practice medicine. It’s about saving lives no matter what, screw them and their paperwork.

When the one woman I could never forget, Ginger Crawford, shows up as my boss all bets are off. The heat between us is tough to ignore but I have to if I want a future at this hospital. It isn’t easy. Every time we argue, I want her even more.

But I’ve got secrets she can never know, and she’s always going to be way too good for me. So it’s best if she hates me…at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

I usually love a second chance romance and this one had some of the elements I love, but fell a bit flat for me. The writing was solid, there was great depth to many of the characters, but I think for me the relationship between Beck and Ginger just didn’t feel as solid as it should have.

Beck was definitely a man running from his past – his next adrenaline rush, be it bedding a co-worker or bungee jumping, is the only thing that seems to keep the demons at bay. He’s had a terrible past, and once we get to see more of where he has come from it’s easy to understand some of his actions.

Ginger also has some demons she’s fighting and keeps herself in control and safe – the only way she knows to keep her feet under her. And of course Beck is everything that she doesn’t need if she’s going to stay in her safe zone – too bad her heart isn’t on board with that!

There was no denying the physical attraction between these two – you could feel the tension jumping off the pages when they were anywhere near each other. I did feel that the emotional connection between these two was a bit lacking for me. They have a past, but it seems like it was a whirlwind affair that was more physical than emotional. And when they reconnect nine years later it just seemed that the leap into a deeper connection was a bit too far for me to connect with. There were definitely parts where you could see the connection happening, but again, for me, it just came up a bit short.

Overall this was a good read. I have not read the other books in the series but didn’t have any problem jumping in with this one. I am intrigued with some of the other characters and will probably check them out since all “The Boys” seem to have a great back story and some great heroines.

Robin Covington always delivers a well written story that has emotion, sizzle, and some sass, and this one is no different. Although this one wasn’t my favorite read from her, it is still worth checking out!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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