by Evangeline Anderson
Series: The Alien Mate Index, #2
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Grav N’gol is many things. Murderer…ex-con…Alien half-breed…
And a Protector.
More than just a bodyguard, a Protector chooses a female to ward for life and swears an oath to die for her if necessary.
Enter Leah Roth. The luscious little Earth female is supposed to be just a quick surveillance gig for Grav. He’ll check on her and report back that she’s okay—it should be easy.
Only she’s not okay.
When Grav sees Leah’s abusive husband hurting her, he swings into action. Before he knows it, he has Leah aboard his ship. When he’s given a dangerous and difficult mission, Leah volunteers to come alone and help…and somehow Grav can’t say no.
But as much as he feels drawn to the lovely little human, Grav knows it can never be between them. For in his past lurks a bloody and savage secret that would turn even the most forgiving heart against him.
From his past and from his true nature Leah must be Protected at all costs.

I came out of the strange, half-conscious state I’d somehow fallen into because of a warm, wet, ticklish sensation along the back of my hand. I opened my eyes to see Grav leaning over me. He held my scratched hand in one of his much larger ones and was licking me gently from the tips of my fingers all the way up to the palm and back of my hand.
“Oh!” I gave a little gasp because, despite the pain and faintness I was still feeling, the rough warmth of his tongue seemed to start a fire inside me. A fire that had never completely died down since the last time he had healed me.
Grav looked up at my sound, his white-on-black eyes worried.
“How are you feeling, darlin’?”
“I don’t know. Better, I think—my hand, anyway,” I whispered. It was true—my hand no longer burned and itched. When I looked at it, I saw that the long red scratches the kit had made with its claws were almost faded.
“Good. Then you’re almost back to normal.” Grav looked considerably relieved—then almost angry. “Don’t scare me like that, Leah. And next time, don’t touch a fuckin’ thing unless I tell you its safe,” he added in a low growl.
“You did tell me it was safe to go with Magda,” I pointed out, struggling to sit up. “In fact—”
But my words were cut off as a fresh wave of dizziness took me. I gasped and fell back on the bed, my un-hurt hand going reflexively to rub my chest.
“What? What is it?” Grav demanded, looking worried all over again.
I didn’t want to tell him. Especially when just having his warm tongue caressing my hand and fingers was enough to bring all those strange, hot feelings rushing back. I could just imagine what it would be like to feel his mouth on my breasts.
If you don’t tell him, you’ll die, whispered an implacable little voice in the back of my head. Tell him, Leah—tell him now—before it’s too late.
It was true and I knew it. I opened my mouth to say something, only my lips and tongue didn’t want to work.
“Leah? Leah, what is it?” Grav looked half angry, half worried as he leaned over me, his alien eyes scanning over my body to see what was wrong.
I couldn’t talk anymore—I don’t know why, maybe it had to do with the neurotoxin paralyzing my vocal chords. But I did still have some use of my limbs. Clumsily, I reached to my chest and fumbled with the green cloak, trying to get it unfastened from around my throat.
Grav seemed to understand because he ripped the cloak open and his eyes widened.
“Goddess of Mercy,” he said hoarsely. “Leah, no.”
* * * * *
I’m not a nice guy.
I’m a murderer and an ex-con and an all around son-of-a-bitch, ask anybody who knows me.
But I’m also a Protector.
I took an oath to guard the females I take as wards with my life, and I take that oath very fucking seriously. That’s why, when I see someone I’ve sworn to protect in danger, I take immediate action, even if the female I’m acting for doesn’t know I’m assigned to protect her.
Of course, it helps if she knows I’m watching out for her—helps if she knows she can trust me. Because, unfortunately, I’m not the kind of male females trust on sight.
I’m one ugly bastard, is what I’m trying to say.
Half Braxian and half Vorn—the two most hated and feared of the Twelve Peoples the Ancient Ones seeded the galaxy with. I’m not smooth like an Eloim or pretty to look at like a Majoran. I have bluish-gray skin, black curling horns, and white-on-black eyes that can see every spectrum of light.
And don’t forget my prison tats.
But it doesn’t matter what I look like—I get the job done. And at the moment, my job was getting planet-side to save one of the Earth females who had been put under my protection.
Only she didn’t know me—didn’t know I was watching her. And she sure as hell didn’t know I was trustworthy. I mean, what would you say if a seven foot tall blue alien with horns and freaky-as-shit eyes showed up at your door?
But none of that mattered—she was in danger and I had to save her.
But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. I should start at the beginning…back when I first came aboard the Commercians’ space station, which was circling in low Earth orbit, spying on Earth females for their Alien Mate Index. A site which claims they can hook up any alien male with the perfect Earth bride or concubine—for a price.
I wasn’t looking for either. I just wanted to serve and protect, no matter what it took…

Evangeline Anderson is the New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Brides of the Kindred, Alien Mate Index, and Born to Darkness series. She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.
You can find her online at her website www.evangelineanderson.com
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