Sunday, April 9, 2017

Review - Fighting Attraction by Sarah Castille

Fighting Attraction
by Sarah Castille
Series: Redemption, #4
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: April 4, 2017

My sweet, sexy Penny has a dark side. Just like me.
I will have her. And then I will lose her, and suffer a lifetime of regret.

Rampage. Everyone loves him. He is Redemption's top heavyweight fighter and the biggest gossip in the gym. But he isn't the teddy bear everyone thinks he is. He's hiding a dark secret-and he hates himself for it.

Twice a week, Rampage transforms into Master Jack, a notorious dom only the most hard-core submissives will play with. How can he-a Southern gentleman, bred to respect and protect women-want to dominate them?

But Penny Worthington wants him. Beneath her pearls, kitten heels, and prim British exterior beats a tortured heart...Master Jack is the only one who can set her free.

Another great read from Sarah Castille! Jack and Penny’s story was a study in contradictions – both characters are not quite what they appear, but in the end they are just what the other needs. Both characters have been broken by their past, but together they find a way to work through their issues and find their own version of normal.

Penny - prim, proper, and pastel little Penny – boy, there’s a whole other side to Penny that we finally get to see now that she has her own book. And Jack – friendly, charming, southern-gentleman Jack – who would guess that there’s a sadist hiding underneath that smile. Watching these two come together was frustrating at times, but the end was so worth all the struggles to get there. Both have some pretty serious issues from their past and even though it appears at first these two would be perfectly matched, their issues run so much deeper, which in the end have them facing themselves and each other to create their own version of happiness. There was nothing easy about this relationship, there was a good dose of angst, some truly dick moves which got me a bit grumbly, but in the end, watching Jack and Penny come together was truly satisfying.
“I can’t give you anything else. I can’t give you normal. I’m not going to change. I’ve been this way as long as I can remember, and there’s nothing I can point to as a trigger, nothing that needs to be cured.”

“I don’t want normal.” She puts Clarice down and gives her a pat. “I want pain because that’s the only way I can get emotional release. I just never realized there might be other ways of getting that release that involve pleasure, too.”

And I never realized it would be possible to share my kink with someone who not only want what I have to give, but needs it, too, although I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to tolerate the kind of pain I give the hard-core masochists at Club Sin.

“I like who you are,” she says softly. “The real Jack you revealed at the gym tonight; the Jack from the club; and the Jack who’s my friend. I like your kind of normal.”
And as usual, no Redemption book would be complete without getting to spend some time with all the characters from the series. I love that we get to see outside the relationship of Penny and Jack – the supporting characters truly become part of the Penny and Jack’s story and help show different sides of them. I totally loved the girl’s night out scene – the women are just as fierce as their men are…and know just how to handle them!

This is part of a series but can easily be read as a stand-alone. From a well-developed plot to great characters who had emotional depth, this was a great read which has me looking forward to more!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy from the publisher via NetGalley of this book.

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