by T.L. Alexander
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 31, 2017
A.K.A is a romantic suspense from the author of the smexy Layers Series, TL Alexander, and has been chosen by Kindle Scout. Yahoo!
What is Kindle Scout? It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published. Selected books will be published by Kindle Press and receive a 5-year contract.
So dear readers, I’m asking for your help. Click here, read the book introduction and the excerpt. If you like what you see, please nominate A.K.A.
After you nominate, don’t forget to add your name to my newsletter for a chance at winning a signed copy of A.K.A. and a $25 Amazon gift card.
Hurry campaign ends July 10 2017.
Thanks for your support! TL Alexander

A false reality of murder and love.
Morgan Steel is a rising-star ADA from LA. When her half sister is brutally murdered her world spins off course, tilts off its axis. Seeking justice, she commits the unthinkable and finds herself no longer living in a world of right or wrong, black or white. She finds herself living in a reality within a false reality of love, lust, betrayal and murder.

Hey, girlfriends and guyfriends…
So…what about me? Well…I live in the good old USA, the Pacific Northwest, to be more specific. Everything here is green and soggy, but it’s grown on me like…moss and slugs.
I love to read and write. I read mostly romance, but I love a good mystery or biography. I love to laugh myself to pee-my-pants, and do so whenever possible ( own lots of undies). I possess a very imaginative way with words (potty-mouth), and I can’t get enough of DIY words…linguistatard, gaywadest…the list is never ending.
When not writing or reading, I’m driving my family friggin' ass-crazy. And when not doing that…I garden, do projects (got to have a project) and travel—whenever possible (never enough).
Layers, is my first self-published romance series—but far from my last. I’ve got lots more to write about when Alexia, Jaxson, Jules and the gaywads, are written off into the sunset. I'm excited about my next series—Girlfriends Goddesses and Barflies—it's going to be fun!
A special shout-out to my fans…I love you! I love your—“you go girlfriends,” your DIY words, and your potty mouths. Potty mouths unite! Potty-mouths rule! Potty-mouths take over the world! Damn fucking straight! Thank you for taking a chance on a new author and for all your wonderful (colorful) words of encouragement and wisdom.
Make sure to check out my site often for updates and other fun stuff. Leave me a hey you, or even a review…what the hell! I'd love to hear from you. ( that friggin' rhymes) Contact me on my contact page tlalexanderauthor.com
Potty-mouths…rule the universe—and beyond!!

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