Friday, October 30, 2020

It's The Great Dragon, Molly Brown by Julia Mills - New Release

It's The Great Dragon, Molly Brown
by Julia Mills
Series: Dragon Guard Holiday Love Stories, #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 25, 2020

It’s time! It’s time! The most glorious time of the year! Fall! Halloween! Samhain! And… drum roll, please… The Brown Family Pumpkin Patch Pick-A-Beauty and Win a Jack-O-Lantern for Life Party-stravaganza.

Everything is ready. My precious beauties are their orangey orangest and their roundy roundest, and they’re bigger than any other year in history. They are ready to be loved, carved, and lit up for all the world to see. This is gonna be the best ev… whoooooooa!

What the heck just happened? What was that noise? Is there a perpetrator in my Pumpkin Patch? Was that the sound of a gourd smugglin’ son of gun messin’ with my babies? Oh, hell no! I am Molly Brown. Hear me roar. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with my punkins.

With Cleo on my shoulder and my trusty Wand back in the house, this Keeper of the Sacred Pumpkin is on the case. No way, no how is anyone gonna rain on my parade.

But wait!
What’s that sound? What was that flash of scales? Was that…” Could it really be…?
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bat! It’s a ghost! Oh, my gracious, Goddess with googly eyes, it’s the Great Dragon, Molly Brown!

Another hilariously amazing addition to the Dragon Guard series – the Dragon Guard Holiday Love Stories demanded to be told. I hope you giggle and swoon, laugh out loud and fall in love with these sassy women and their Dragons who refused to be tamed. Can’t wait to hear what you think of this story! Drop me a line anytime! XOXO, Julia

Hey Y’all! I’m Julia Mills the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Dragon Guard Series. I have to tell you how OVER-THE-MOON I was when THEE Robyn Peterman asked me to write in her Magic & Mayhem Universe. I quite literally squeeeeed so loud that my girls came running to see if I was okay.

You see, I had met in her through an anthology we were both a part of. I admit to fangirling ’til my fingers were sore from jazz-handing that I was in the same Facebook group with Robyn, let alone having my story published in the same anthology with her. Then, I met her at RT in 2017, and I was BLOWN A-WAY. She is not only gorgeous inside and out but she is also hilariously funny, so incredibly down-to-earth, and just a blast to be around. She is my Pookie-Doodles-Momma for life. If you EVER have the chance to meet her in person, hop on your scooter and go! It will be the most fun you’ve ever had.

As for me, I’m Southern to the bone, love my children more than life itself, and adopt animals like most people collect dust bunnies. (Oh come on, we’ve all got them under the bed.) I came by the tagline Sassy, Southern Storyteller honestly and many years before I ever started writing. (My dad thought it was a hilarious nickname his kindergarten teaching daughter.)

I live by three simple rules – (1) Treat people how you want to be treated. (2) Smile lots. (3) Try everything, ’cause hearses don’t have luggage racks.

Now, go out there and create your own story!!! Dare to Dream! Have the Strength to Try EVERYTHING! Never Look Back! 

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