Monday, October 6, 2014

Blog Tour & Exclusive Thomas Hunt Bio - Blackjack: Wicked Game by Sam J.D. Hunt

Blackjack: Wicked Game
by Sam J.D. Hunt
Series: Thomas Hunt, #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: September 27, 2014

Sex, love, and a wicked game throw Samantha Drake and Thomas Hunt into an adventure that takes them to places they've never been. From the mountains above Las Vegas to the glitzy casinos of Monte Carlo, Sam and Thomas are forced to confront demons from the past while nurturing their fledgling relationship. Thomas goes from being Sam’s skilled submissive lover to discovering his own inner Dominant side. Will she be able to surrender control? Will love be enough to see them through the twists and turns of this new adventure? Don’t miss the hot follow-up to the highly acclaimed Roulette: Love Is A Losing Game.

Blackjack is a modern, steamy erotic novel set in Las Vegas. It contains explicit sexual scenes, light BDSM, and frequent profanity. It is intended for adults only.

My hips rise off the bed, desperate for him. He slowly inserts one long finger, then a second, before running his tongue along the entire length of my inner folds. Stroking my hardening G-spot, he says reverentially, “God, baby, you taste so good,” as he lowers down to lap at my entrance with his skilled tongue. As he caresses my throbbing bud in a languid figure-8, his fingers cradling my G-spot, I’m lifting toward release in a slow swell.

I grind against him, urging him to let me have my climax. “Please, don’t tease me,” I beg, my toes curled, my legs shaking. Barely lifting his lips from me, he resists my push for control, sternly saying, “You’re mine, I own you right now, and I plan to savor you. You’ll come if and when I decide that I’m finished with you.” His commanding tone drives me even higher as he works my body with precision.

Exclusive Blog Tour Thomas Hunt Bio:

Name: Thomas Hunt

Age: 25

Marital Status: I’m not giving that one away!

Hair: Dark blonde

Eyes: Emerald green

Height: 6’3”

Weight: Not sayin’ I tend to be on the leaner side

Profession: Right now, a professional student working on my doctorate in English Literature, but I do student teaching. The truth is, my lady does pay the bills. When I become Dr. Hunt, I’d like to be a full-time professor.

Hometown: I’m a Las Vegas native, from the Green Valley area.

Leisure Activities: I read a lot, the classics. I also run every day, and I’m a great swimmer.

Favorite Luxury: I have a new Camaro that I enjoy very much.

Desert Island Book: Oh, um, I’d have to say East of Eden by John Steinbeck. It’s deep and would keep me busy for a while.

Guilty Pleasure: I rarely feel any guilt over pleasure, but I do like fast food. In-N-Out burgers keep me needing to run.

Book 2: Blackjack: Wicked Game

Book 1: Roulette: Love Is a Losing Game
ROULETTE is on SALE! .99
Limited Time Only

31 FIVE STAR Reviews!

Sam J.D. Hunt authors her own fresh brand of erotica, filled with hot, steamy sex, plenty of humor, and refreshingly different characters that you will both relate to and fall in love with.  Her first series, The Thomas Hunt Series, dabbles in mild BDSM role-play, following a young male submissive graduate student who falls in love with his very non-traditional Dominant, Samantha Drake.  Their journey to happily ever after is complicated by her desire to maintain control even as his playful, energetic side challenges her desire for order.  As Sam struggles to surrender control and Thomas discovers his own Dominant side, they are whisked into an adventure that takes them through unexpected twists and turns.

When the first series completes in late 2014, Hunt plans to pen an art-adventure series set in Cambridge, England.  The second series will feature the wealthy art acquirer Ben Hunt, a kinky playboy who struggles to reform when he meets the unlikely love of his life, the simple American girl who falls into his life, Jane.  Hunt also has a fighter pilot series in the works, which features a strong, curvy heroine in addition to an Alpha male man in uniform.

Hunt’s writing always combines true love with laugh-out-loud funny scenes, authentic settings and culture, and explicit panty-soaking sex.  Hunt also publishes Aunt Kitty’s Prude’s Erotica on her blog,  You can find her on Facebook at, on twitter at @sjd_hunt, and on her Amazon author page at

Hunt is a frequent traveler and lover of art, literature, coffee, and wine.  She calls Las Vegas home with her husband, the inspiration for the young Thomas Hunt, and two children.

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