Saturday, October 4, 2014

Review - Beneath this Mask by Meghan March

Beneath this Mask
by Meghan March
Series: Beneath, #1
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 29, 2014

My name is Charlotte Agoston, and I’m a runner. Not the ‘let’s go for a jog and slap a 26.2 sticker on your bumper’ kind of runner; I’m the kind of runner who takes off when her father is staring down the barrel of a guilty verdict that carries a 175-year sentence for perpetrating the largest fraud in the history of the world. That’s right. Bernie Madoff was an amateur compared to Alistair Agoston.

Faced with living under a cloud of suspicion and constant questioning by the FBI, I ran. I’m making a new life in New Orleans as Charlie Stone. I traded my future in New York high finance for tattoos, booze, a few friends who don’t ask questions, and one giant mutt named Huckleberry Finn. Everything is simple and uncomplicated until Simon Duchesne—former hotshot Navy fighter pilot, NOLA’s favorite son, city councilman, and rumored congressional hopeful—walks into my life.

The flashing cameras he attracts threaten to expose everything I’m hiding, but I can’t seem to stay away. Why are the most dangerous ideas always the most seductive?

In trying to get lost, I found myself. And then I found Simon. He loves me, and he doesn't even know my real name. I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it. This is our story.

Will we be strong enough to face the consequences of revealing what’s beneath this mask?

“It doesn't matter who I am or who you are. Tonight or any other night. We’re just people.”
This was a great read that I really enjoyed. The characters were all engaging and the story had a depth and uniqueness that kept my interest. I loved the multi-faceted storyline, from Simon having to deal with his issues from his time in the service to Charlie having to figure out how to live her life and stay under the radar. The supporting characters also added a lot to the story and seem to have stories of their own to tell (Beneath This Ink will be the second installment in this series – can’t wait!).

I just loved the role that Huckleberry Finn played – I’m a sucker for a story with animals and this was one endearing pooch! Simon was just awesome (that quote above was from him – he was just everything you would want in a man…and then some!), and even though I was frustrated at times with Charlie, I totally “got” why she felt she needed to keep her secrets.

I look forward to reading more from Meghan March – her writing style is fluid and clean, and in this book she was able to keep that fine line of suspense throughout the storyline, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone and am looking forward to the next book in the series!

I received this book from the author for an honest review.


  1. Sounds good! I love animals in books too. And that cover totally won me over!

  2. I really enjoyed this one and can't wait for the next - and I know your affinity for this book the heroine has some interesting ones!


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