Rhonda Lee Carver
"Writing men who love to get their hands dirty..."

At an early age, Rhonda fell in love with romance novels, knowing one day she’d write her own love story. Life took a short detour, but when the story ideas would no longer be contained, she decided to dive in and write. Her first rough draft was on a dirty napkin she found buried in her car. Eventually, she ran out of napkins. With baby on one hip and laptop on the other, she made a dream into reality—one word at a time.
Her specialty is men who love to get their hands dirty and women who are smart, strong and flawed. She loves writing about the everyday hero.
When Rhonda isn't crafting sizzling manuscripts, you will find her busy editing novels, blogging, juggling kids and animals (too many to name), dreaming of a beach house and keeping romance alive.

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What are you working on now?
I’m working on book 7 of my Second Chance Series, Second Hope Cowboy. This is Tucker’s Story and how he’ll find peace with his past—and maybe find love again with a woman he thought was lost forever.
What flavor is your writing style?
I enjoy writing badass men who have many flaws, and heroines who have been broken in one way or another. I also like stories of second chances, couples reuniting after traumatic events have torn them apart.
Do you ever experience writer's block?
On a daily basis.
Usually I can walk away from the story for a bit and when I come back, the block has been eradicated and I’m back to business. I've learned to allow my characters to take the lead. I might have an idea of what I want to do in the story, where I’m heading, but if something feels right, I just go with the flow. It’s a helluva ride at times, wondering where my characters and I are going to end up.
Do you write an outline before every book you write?
The first outline I've ever written was on a dirty napkin I found buried in my car while I was in the parking lot at Walmart. An idea came to mind and I had to write it down. This idea grew into a story and soon after was my first contracted book. That was the first outline and the last. I have an idea in my head and scene ideas stored in a file in my mind, but I jump right in, and sometimes it turns out nothing like I’d planned. That’s the fun of it all!
Have you ever disliked something you wrote?
I think all writers hate what we write. Good things readers feel differently, otherwise, there would be no books.
But yes, I like the idea of the story much better than the ending product. Probably more because I've spent so much time enveloped in the story that it’s hard to see it in any way but judgmentally. However, if I walk away from a project for a week and then come back, I have a new love that has grown from absence. For instance, when I was finished with my first book in the Second Chance Series, Second Chance Cowboy, I shook my head, feeling like I hadn't created the masterpiece that I’d wanted. I imagine we all feel that way a time or two. When I got rights back for this book, I read it and loved it—my own piece of work was awesome. Time heals all, I assume. I did some tweaking and self-published it. So glad that I did!
Was writing always the first thing you wanted to do in life?
I knew at 13 what I wanted to do with my life—write. Unfortunately, dreams take some time to mold into reality. Thank goodness I didn't give up. I love my career. Wouldn't change a thing.
While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?
At times, I find that one of my characters is feeling a way that I have, or experiencing an emotion that I have. Characters are pieces of our past and present, molded to create a future in words. I believe all writers use experiences as the foundation of books…but in our world we get to recreate stories, change them, and even give that evil person what they deserve.
What inspired you to write your first book?
Love. Simply love. What better emotion is there?
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Yes! Especially when I’m writing a series. I get into the next book and think, “Dang, I sure wish I gave him this character quality.” “Oh, shoot, I wish I would have known this about my character way before now.”

Under Pressure
Rhinestone Cowgirls, #1
Release Date: August 28, 2014
The oldest of three sisters, Jewels Stone takes care of everyone, especially those she loves. When she finds out the youngest Stone is duped, she plans to rope and wrangle the cowboy to teach him a lesson on how to treat a woman.
Tied to a bedpost and as mad as a hornet, Spark Ryder wants to toss Jewels over his knee and spank her. Problem is, he’d enjoy it too much. Held hostage by rope and wax strips, he tries to convince her that she has the wrong cowboy. But how can he convince her that he’s innocent when she’s out to settle a score against all men?
While seeking revenge, Jewels finds a passion that’ll have her hanging by a dream. The pressure is too much and loose threads holding the past begin to unravel. Her brain urges her to run while her heart wishes to stay.
Spark wants nothing but distance with Jewels, but when things start to heat up on the Rhinestone Ranch, he samples Jewels’ treasure and finds himself on the wrong end of the rope again—but it’s his soul that’s bound to a woman who will never trust.
He wants to stitch her broken heart, but will he walk before his own heart is in need of mending?

Second Chance
Book 1: Second Chance Cowboy
Book 2: Second Ride Cowboy
Book 3: Second Round Cowboy
Book 4: Second Dance Cowboy
Book 5: Second Song Cowboy
Book 6: Second Burn Cowboy

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