Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog Tour, Guest Post, & Giveaway - Perception: A New Adult Anthology

Perception, a New Adult Anthology
The world will never look the same…

by Nealy Gihan, Scott C. Davis, Linda Davis,
Heather Hildenbrand, and Mary Laufer
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Today we are excited to have Mary Laufer on the blog. Mary's contribution to the Perception anthology is "Missing". Thank you Mary for stopping by and sharing a little about yourself and your story!

From the desk of Mary Laufer....

I was nothing like Theresa Perez, the sixteen-year-old character in my short story “Missing.” I was shy and quiet and wouldn't have dreamed of acting out in class as she does. I wasn't the best-dressed girl either. I’d spent eight years wearing plaid uniforms in Catholic school, and when I started attending the public high school I didn't know what fashions were in style.

Because I didn't fit in with the other kids, I gravitated toward adults who might help build my self-esteem. One day, it backfired. I was alone in a classroom with a male teacher, and he angrily said to me, “You’re playing with fire. And sooner or later, you’re going to get hurt!” Huh? What was he implying? When I figured it out, I was incredulous. Me? Mousy Mary? Seriously? Unlike Theresa Perez in my story, I wasn't deliberately being sexually provocative. My clothing and actions were never meant to arouse this man. The experience changed my perception of male/female interactions. I realized there’s often a big difference between how men see women and how they see themselves.

I modified that line about “playing with fire” and used it in a scene in my story, when a sinister male teacher talks about Theresa Perez. In her case, she does dress seductively, stressing the parts of her body that our society finds desirable in women—breasts and bare skin. Why does she do it? What does she really think of herself? Although I was very different from her in high school, I understand her well. She’s looking for the same thing I was, and like me, she’s looking in the wrong place.

The world will never look the same…

There comes a defining moment in every young person's life that irrevocably shifts their point of view.  For a new teacher who still compares herself to her students, it’s a missing girl and a false accusation that could cost her more than her career.  For a young man who settles into a rut that not even his broken marriage can pull him out of, it’s a drifter’s gun to his head.  For an idealistic college student, it’s her parents’ divorce pulling back the curtain on who they really are, shattering everything she thought she knew about love.  And for a recovering addict who's not ready to change, it might just be an unhappy ending to her illicit affair.

In Perception, discover five captivating stories that explore what it means to be a new adult.

Missing by award-winning author Mary Laufer--For a new teacher who still compares herself to her students, the shift in reality comes in the form a missing girl and a false accusation that could cost her more than her career.

The Outlaw by debut author Scott C. Davis--For a young man who settles into a rut that not even his broken marriage can pull him out of, it’s a drifter’s gun to his head.

Drive by author & screenplay writer Nealy Gihan--For an idealistic college student, the point of view shift comes in the form of her parents’ divorce pulling back the curtain on who they really are, shattering everything she thought she knew about love.

My Boyfriend is a Senator by award-winning author Linda Davis--For a recovering addict who's not ready to change, it might just be an unhappy ending to her illicit affair.

The Talisman by bestselling YA & NA author Heather Hildenbrand—For an orphan on the run from monsters, a shift in perception might be discovering the power of prayer as a saving grace against the likes of which no human being has ever seen. If we’re lucky.

Nealy Gihan, author of Drive, on Facebook

Scott Davis, author of Outlaw, on Twitter

Mary Laufer, author of Missing, on Facebook

Linda Davis, author of My Boyfriend is a Senator, on Elephantine’s author list

Heather Hildenbrand, author of The Talisman, on Facebook

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