Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Review - My Viking Vampire by Krystal Shannan

My Viking Vampire
by Krystal Shannan
Series: Sanctuary, Texas, #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: August 25, 2014

Bailey Ross’ world is crumbling around her. Her abusive ex, a human, is closing in on her again, and to make matters worse, a new enemy, a djinn, is stalking her. This supernatural being takes great pleasure in human pain, something Bailey has in excess thanks to her ex. If she’s caught by either, she’s as good as dead.

Backed into a corner and desperate to escape, she does something she swore wouldn't ever be possible again –trusting a man. And he’s a vampire.

Protection via the sexy vampire Erick Thorson may prove to be a little more than she bargained for. Sparks fly between them and she finds herself agreeing to more than just protection. Though he has promised not to let anyone harm her, the small west Texas town is more than it seems and he may not be able to make good on his vow no matter how hard he tries.

Will Sanctuary be the home Bailey longs for or will she have to die to find out?

This was such a great read. It was very different from most of the other PNR stories I have read and I really enjoyed the world that Krystal Shannan has created for this new series – Sanctuary, Texas. Set in the future, times are very dark for the supernatural community. They have been blamed for the civil unrest, riots, and basically every bad thing that had happened once it was discovered that there were “others” that walked among us. The government has taken control of things, which has created a society of little knowledge and little resources, so everyone is suffering and just trying to get by.

I loved how I was able to learn about this new world through Bailey’s eyes. The bleakness and desperation that Bailey felt about her existence and her situation were written so well, it was so easy to feel along with her as she tried to escape her past. I loved what a fighter she was. It would have been so easy for her to give up and give in, but she refused to let her circumstances control her destiny.

Sanctuary was such an interesting community filled with lots of secrets and different paranormal beings – many who would not choose to live together, but have been forced to since they have been targeted by the government. It was fun watching all the different relationships between the residents and seeing them all interact. When Erick claims Bailey – a human – not everyone is thrilled about this. Of course there are many other forces at work and things aren't always as they seem, so Erick and Bailey’s relationship may either bring trouble or salvation to the town - or perhaps a bit of both.

There were lots of steamy times, and one of the features of the town is a BDSM Castle that is an integral part of the town. Of course in a town like this, Bailey’s issues from her past surface, and she and Erick are faced with trying to overcome her fears if they are going to have a future together.

I really enjoyed this introduction to Sanctuary, Texas and can’t wait to learn more about some of the other residents. This was a fun read that was well written and entertaining and a definite must read!

I was given a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.


  1. I've seen a couple really good reviews for this one so far. Love when there's a little something fresh to the series :) So hard to find some days.

  2. I really liked the world she created and can't wait to see where she takes the series. There were quite a few interesting things that piqued my interest...that BDSM castle has lots of potential for some interesting stories!


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