Friday, November 7, 2014

Release Day & Giveaway - Misperception by Morgan Black

by Morgan Black
Series: Finnegan Brothers, #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 7, 2014

The Finnegan brothers are bound to hurt any girl that gets between them. But that doesn't stop Lena. She loves pain with her pleasure. When things get too hot for her to handle, she does the only thing she can do to protect herself... she runs away.

Three years later, Lena is back in town for her father's wedding. She prays she can avoid her past, hoping nobody remembers her parents’ messy divorce or how she disappeared. However, as soon as she arrives, she finds she can't run from her past anymore.

There's no escaping the Finnegan brothers. Not this time.

Haven't started the Finnegan Brother series yet? Misconception is available for 99¢!

Morgan Black is a hair stylist by day and hottie writer by night. She walks her dogs in high heels and never leaves the house without red lipstick. She firmly believes in the power of Zen, and does Yoga freely in her backyard, in her favorite set of pumps. Morgan Black also writes hot vampire erom under M. Black.

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