Fate's Love and Love's Spark
by L.A. Cotton
Series: Fate's Love, #1 & #2
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 30, 2014 & December 9, 2014

Fate’s Love
When you meet that one person in the world meant for you... you should hold onto them.
Olivia Bannon walked away.
When 17-year-old Livy meets Ethan, she can’t deny their inexplicable connection. Lost in his dark, intense eyes and smile-to-die-for, Livy never thought she would feel like this. It almost makes her want to break her childhood vow, but Livy knows happily ever after is just an illusion, and despite her heart wanting Ethan, her head is telling her to stick with the plan. The one that doesn't include falling in love. Period.
Eight years later, Livy finds herself back in her hometown. After the way she left things, the last time they were together, Livy is anxious about seeing Ethan again. It shouldn't come as shock to discover he has finally moved on—but it hurts. A lot. Accepting that she will never get the chance to put things right isn't easy, but it’s not until life comes crashing down around her that Livy realizes what she could had. Left broken, alone, and depressed, only one person can pull her out—the guy she thought she'd pushed away one too many times.
Livy has finally realized that you can’t fight fate… Some things are just meant to be. Is this finally her time to get it right, or has Livy missed her last chance with Ethan?

Love's Spark
Twenty-four year old Sharn Macer has spent the last six years looking for love....for that spark. She's failing miserably. After a life changing break up forces her back to her broken home, and into a string of dating disasters, Sharn decides it's time to hang up her heels and take a break from guys.
She didn't expect to find the spark… with the quiet guy from her past.
Keefer Smith likes to keep to himself, always has and probably always will. He doesn't have time to date, not when he’s constantly worrying about what state he'll find his father in. Lucky for him, he does have one thing going for him; baseball.
He didn't expect to want more… with the girl he once watched from afar.
Back in high school, Sharn would never have looked twice at someone like him, and Keefer would've never stood a chance with someone like her. But six years is a long time, and when they find themselves placed in charge of seventeen ninth graders they soon realize they might not be as different as they think. The chemistry is right, even if the timing is all wrong.
Sparks will fly, but will they spark love?

Fate's Love
“Liv, what’s going on? Is she okay? Keefer told me what went down.”
I moved away from the door and met Ethan halfway. “No, she isn't okay.” It came out bitter.
“Can I do anything? I could come-”
I shook my head. “We’re fine, thanks.” Without realizing I stepped back and Ethan’s face paled.
“And us?”
My eyes dropped to the floor.
“Liv, look at me. What. About. Us?”
I forced myself to look at him. My head and heart were at war. My heart wanted him to wrap me in his arms and tell me everything was going to be okay. That Amber would heal. That Sharn would meet her Prince Charming. That we really did have something. But my head knew better. My head would always know better.
“There is no us. I’m sorry, Ethan. Goodbye.” I turned from him and fled back to the limo.
“You’re running from me, Liv. Don’t use this as an excuse to run,” he called out.
Once in the safety of the limo, I slammed the door behind me, ignoring Sharn’s questioning glare.
“How is she?”
“A mess. This will leave scars.” Sharn answered.
I leaned my head onto the backrest and pressed a finger to my lips, trying to remember what kissing Ethan felt like. Was it even real? It didn’t feel real. Not now. It felt like a dream—the really good kind, until you wake up and realize it was just that.
A dream.
Because in the harsh light of day, life wasn't like that. It was hard—full of hurt and people who let you down.
No, life wasn't like a dream at all.

Love's Spark
The Lounge was crammed. Friday nights were always full of students, but it was the best club for a more chilled out vibe. It had two rooms; a bar area and a dance area, then there was a huge covered courtyard. After navigating the queue at the bar, I managed to get us drinks. We wound our way through the crowds of drunken, rowdy college kids, and found an empty sofa at the far end of the courtyard. Sharn’s body moved in time to the music, and from how natural she made it looked, I could tell she liked to dance—something I never did.
“It's really busy.” Her words sounded a little slurred.
“Are you drunk? You only had two glasses of wine with dinner.” I mocked. I'd switched to soda after a couple of beers—I was driving.
“I am not!” She gasped. “I'm just excited. I don't get out all that much.”
“What about your friend? The girl I saw you with at 42nds?”
She turned her body slightly to face me. “Mae? We work together, and have a Friday night ritual. She's married though.”
My eyes glanced over her neck and chest, lingering over her low cut dress. I could just make out the curve of her tits.
“Hey.” She snapped her fingers in front of my nose. “My face is here, mister.”
“I can't help where my eyes decide to look. Did you blow off your Friday night ritual with Mae, for me?”
She blushed again, and my inner guy punched the air—I affected her as much as she affected me. “Maybe. Hmm-” She hesitated, as if she wanted to ask me something. My stomach pooled with dread.
“Can I ask you something? Where did you go last weekend?”
Fuck. It would be so easy to tell her the truth—to let her in. But I choked, unable to do it. I didn't want to ruin the night—to see the pity in her eyes. I didn't want her to feel sorry for me. So I played the game I'd been playing from the start. Leaning forward, I dipped my head and swept her hair away from her shoulder with my hand. As I brushed my lips against the soft spot underneath her ear, she trembled and I whispered, “Not tonight. I'll tell you, but not tonight.”
She let out a breathy sign as I curved my arm around her waist and pulled her body flush to mine. Our lips found each other's, and I knew. This was it for me. She was it. But she still knew nothing about me, and that scared the shit out of me. I had to tell her. And soon. Or I'd lose her. Someone like Sharn wouldn't play games for long.

Book 1: Fate's Love
Amazon US ~ Amazon UK
Book 2: Love's Spark
Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon CA ~ Amazon AU

L. A. Cotton has a busy mind in need of constant stimulation. A youth worker from the Midlands, UK, if L. A isn’t immersed in a book, she’s figuring out what course to study next. With an imagination that refuses to stay quiet, early this year, L. A finally decided to put finger to keyboard and start typing. Her debut novel, Fate’s Love releases September 30th.
When she’s not busy reading, writing, and plotting future books, L. A. is mum to two gorgeous children, and their hyper terrier, Rocky.

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