Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Blog Tour - Mastered: 10 Tales of Sensual Surrender Box Set

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
by Opal Carew, Portia De Costa, Madelynne Ellis,
Marie Harte, Joey Hill, TJ Michaels, Kate Pearce,
Carrie Ann Ryan, Sasha White,
and Emily Ryan-Davis with Jennifer Leeland
Genre: Romance
Release Date: July 21 2014
Tour OrganizerN K Author Services

Available now for only $0.99

Three Secrets
by New York Times and USA Today bestseller Opal Carew 
Sharing secrets has never been so exhilarating... 
Nicole and Abel met in Paris and fell in love, but Nicole believes her secret lifestyle will drive Abel away. After the vacation ends, she decides to take a chance and share her secret, but little does she know he has a secret of his own. 

His Secret
by International and UK Sunday Times bestseller Portia Da Costa 

Quiet storm… 
Ben Chambers is the perfect handsome boyfriend. Sarah adores him, yet despite their delicious lovemaking and the fun they share, she senses he has a secret. But then, during a luxury weekend away, one casual pat to her bottom transforms everything, revealing Ben’s thrilling hidden dominance, and a world of decadent pleasure and deeper love. 

by Multi-Award-Winner Madelynne Ellis 

A bad experience with a former girlfriend caused Spook Mortensen to repress his sexual urges, but when sound engineer Allegra Hutton is called upon to remaster Black Halo's first album, there's only so much attitude and stubborn refusal to listen to the bands' wishes he can take before he's forced to break his self-imposed vow and take her in hand. 

Working Out
by USA Today bestseller Marie Harte 

When lust turns to love, who’s really on top? 
An ex-Marine with a kink for dominance, Mac is Maggie’s boss. But Maggie doesn’t seem to realize he’s in charge…until he shows her that Sir is more than a title. It’s a lifestyle that could suit them both. That’s if Maggie sticks around long enough to wear his collar. 

The Scientific Method
by bestseller Joey W. Hill 

Mastering her body was easy. Mastering her heart and soul will be an erotic science… 
In the vampire-servant relationship, the vampire holds all the power. Being Lord Brian’s research assistant as well as his servant, Debra accepts that, but she craves her Master’s heart. When Brian notices his servant’s unhappiness, he uses methods they both understand to prove just what belonging to him fully means. 

by bestseller T.J. Michaels 

Twilight Teahouse ~ Choose something decadent from our menu… 
Solie Shaw is a brilliant self-made woman. After managing a corporation by day, at night, all she wants is to not be in charge. The last man she’d gifted her heart to had smashed it to smithereens and then did the mambo on top of the pieces. Now, along comes the chance to get exactly what she needs. All Solie has to do…is choose. 

No Limits
by USA Today bestseller Kate Pearce 

All bets are off when there are no limits… 
Dr. Julia Reed deals with life or death situations at a California ER. When British businessman Alex Logan offers her a sexual bargain, she gets to share her darkest fantasies; he gets the power to carry them out. But who is the real winner in this high stakes game, and is Alex even playing fair? 

Ink Reunited
by USA Today bestseller Carrie Ann Ryan 

Only two men can give Sassy the happily ever after she craves. 
Rafe, Ian and Sassy loved each other…until it all blew apart. Now both men are back for the woman they love. It will take more than apologies for these three to overcome their history. But once they take that step, the streets of New Orleans will never be the same. 

Unfettered: An Overwatch Story
by Sasha White 

You never forget your first love 
Mechanic Ronnie Lang is tired of being "one of the guys". Chasing the fantasy of finding a dominant male to help her explore her sexuality she applies to Overwatch, a private BDSM club where her eyes are opened to a world that’s more than she ever imagined, and the man she’s never forgotten. 

Bondage on 34th Street
by Emily Ryan-Davis & Jennifer Leeland 

In knots over love 
After years of searching, Tasha Sears finally finds the Master of her heart …on his knees in front of intimidatingly sexy bondage enthusiast Noah Dreyfuss. As sparks flare between the three, Noah’s ropes will either bind them together or pull them apart. 

Opal Carew
Opal Carew is the author of over a dozen romance stories in which she makes offerings of hope, success, and love to her readers. Opal loves crystals, dragons, feathers, cats, pink hair, the occult, Manga artwork, and all that glitters. She earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and spent 15 years as a software analyst before turning to her passions as a writer. Opal lives with her husband and two teen-aged sons in Ontario, Canada


Portia Da Costa
Portia Da Costa is a multi-published British author of romance, erotic romance and erotic fiction. Her novels have been published by a variety of different houses, both in the US and the UK, and translated into many languages including German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Japanese. Best known for her many novels for the pioneering British erotica publisher Black Lace, her work has been praised for its intense character-driven sensuality and the vivid emotional depth. She enjoys writing books with contemporary, paranormal and occasionally futuristic settings, and her Ladies’ Sewing Circle stories for Harlequin span the late 1880s and early 1890s.

Portia has been writing for publication since 1990, and has had over twenty five novels and 100+ short stories published. In addition to her writing for Black Lace and Harlequin, she's also worked with a variety of other publishers including Samhain Publishing and Carina Press.

Portia is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association [UK] and the Society of Authors [UK].

Portia lives in the heart of West Yorkshire, UK, with her husband and their four cats. When she’s not writing she can be found reading, watching TV and movies, hanging out on Twitter and Facebook, and enjoying online life in general. She was formerly a librarian and has also worked in local government.


Madelynne Ellis
Madelynne Ellis is a multi-published British author of erotic romance. Her novels and short stories have been published by a variety of houses both in the UK and US, and have been translated into German, Spanish and Norwegian. She is best known for her Regency set novels for pioneering British erotica publisher Black Lace, but also enjoys writing contemporary and paranormal settings. Her aim is to deliver scorching, character-driven stories that enchant, torment and don’t shy from darker aspects of life.

Madelynne lives in the UK with her partner of 20 years, their two adorable children and a chocoholic rabbit. When not writing she enjoys live role-playing, solving puzzles and hanging out online.


Marie Harte
I’ve been writing as far back as I can remember. Interest in the written word, no doubt spawned by my English teacher father, continues to this day. I’m a voracious reader, gobbling everything from romance to horror to fantasy and more. I’m in love with the art of putting pen to paper…so to speak.

I majored in English from Penn State University, earning a B.A. in Liberal Arts, as well as a commission in the United States Marine Corps. Five years later, after serving as a communications officer, I left the service to focus more on family. After going through an assortment of jobs–the Marine Corps Reserve, an IT representative, a middle manager for a Fortune 500 transportation company–I stopped working to raise two new additions to the family–my youngest sons. During this period, I decided to stop dreaming and start seriously writing.

In December of 2004 my first story was published, and I haven’t looked back since. I currently have over a hundred titles (yeah, shocked me too!) with Carina, Ellora’s Cave, Fated Desires, Loose Id, Samhain, Sourcebooks, and Totally Bound.

I’ve received several awards to include: the 2005 Passionate Plume for Scifi/fantasy romance, the 2006 Amber Quill Heat Wave contest winner, 1st Place in Steamy Erotic romance for the 2006 Lories, finalist in the 2007 Linda Howard Award of Excellence, finalist in the 2008 Reveal Your Inner Vixen MRWA contest, and finalist in the 2012 Reveal Your Inner Vixen MRWA contest.


Joey W. Hill
Joey W. Hill writes about vampires, mermaids, boardroom executives, cops, witches, angels, simple housemaids... If there’s an erotic love story to be told, she’ll take the plunge. As a result, she's proud and humbled to have five series and over thirty award-winning and highly acclaimed titles, as well as the support and enthusiasm of a wonderful and widely diverse readership. In 2011, she was awarded a Career Achievement award in Erotica by RTBookReviews.

According to her personal memo book, seen only by her eyes--probably because it would reveal that she loves the Partridge Family and the moviePure Country--the top three ways to ensure her readers continue to come looking for her books are #1 Write a great story, #2 KEEP writing great stories and #3 “For the love of God, don’t let them get to know the author – that will scare them away.” (Particularly if they find out about the Partridge Family.)

She has become known for writing the type of erotic romance that not only wins her fans of that genre, but readers who would “never” read BDSM romance. That’s because first and foremost, she thinks what attracts a reader is strong characters.

“Whatever genre you’re writing, if the characters are compelling and sympathetic, the readers are going to want to see what happens to them. While I strive to make sure my work includes essential elements of the storytelling craft – tight plot, engaging dialogue, etc. – if the character development isn’t there, there isn’t much point in reading. It can be the coolest plot ever, but if the reader could care less whether the hero or heroine survive (in fact, in some cases you may be rooting for their destruction just so you can be done with the darn thing), then it’s not a story worth reading.”

Why is that? She believes that our world is an ironically isolating one. Humans have overrun the planet, armed with a plethora of communication tools. Yet we feel very alone in our own heads, trying to make a connection with someone. The “ah, there you are – where have you been?” person. The person who gives us an anchor, but also the courage to release our tedious baggage to embrace ourselves fully.

That’s what she seeks to accomplish in every story. Bringing characters together who have numerous emotional obstacles standing in their way, watching them reach a soul-deep understanding of one another through the expression of their darkest sexual needs, and then growing from that understanding into love.

So why erotic romance? “Writing great erotic romance is all about exploring the true face of who we are – the best and worst - which typically comes out in the most vulnerable moments of sexual intimacy.” Who wouldn't want to write about that?

How does she accomplish that? She suspects it’s the perfection of a Vulcan mind meld with the characters, which takes an effective mix of manic depression, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive behavior that would make “Monk” look like a light weight. Not to mention the broad streak of romanticism that forms an asphalt four-lane highway through her heart. It’s a tendency that sends her back to her favorite book and movie scenes for toe-curling or tear-inducing inspiration. (Her husband reports this with loving resignation, since he’s often called upon to stoically endure the movie scenes and hold her hand while she weeps through the mushy parts.)


T.J. Michaels

TJ picked up her first romance novel, a book by Heather Graham, back in 1994. It was love at first page. She thought, “I love this! I can write this, I know I can.” And she sat down and wrote a book full of alpha guys and their kick butt women. That book sat on a shelf while TJ raised her kids and established her career.

One day her son asked, “Hey mom, when are you going to do something with that big book you wrote when I was little?” After cocking her head sideways and giving it some thought, TJ sat down and wrote what became her first published work. She hasn't looked back, though she does still ask her kids for suggestions.

TJ is now an award-winning author of several romance genres, including paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi and urban fantasy romance. Writing like a madman, TJ hasn't lost steam. Her mind? Yep, that’s gone, but steam there is a-plenty. A true Taurus, TJ isn't slowing down and she’s definitely too stubborn to stop when she sees the fence!

No matter the genre TJ is penning, her favorite thing to do is build worlds. To take you somewhere extraordinary. To transport you to a place where you can close your eyes and slip into your fantasy…


Kate Pearce
Kate Pearce was born into a large family of girls in England, and spent much of her childhood living very happily in a dream world. Despite being told that she really needed to ‘get with the program’, she graduated from the University College of Wales with an honors degree in history.

After graduation, real life did intervene and she ended up working in finance which was not the greatest career choice for a would-be writer!

A move to the USA finally allowed her to fulfill her dreams and sit down and write that novel. Along with being a voracious reader, Kate loves trail riding with her family, ‘western style’ in the regional parks of Northern California

Kate writes in several different romance sub-genres under different names. She is a member of RWA and is published by Kensington Aphrodisia, Ellora’s Cave and Virgin Black Lace/Cheek.


Carrie Ann Ryan

USA Today Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan never thought she’d be a writer. Not really. No, she loved math and science and even went on to graduate school in chemistry. Yes, she read as a kid and devoured teen fiction and Harry Potter, but it wasn’t until someone handed her a romance book in her late teens that she realized that there was something out there just for her. When another author suggested she use the voices in her head for good and not evil, The Redwood Pack and all her other stories were born.

Carrie Ann is a bestselling author of over twenty novels and novellas and has so much more on her mind (and on her spreadsheets *grins*) that she isn't planning on giving up her dream anytime soon.


Sasha White
Gifted with a salacious imagination, National Bestselling Author Sasha White’s brand of Romance with Heat, and Erotica with Heart is all about sassy women and sexy men. With a voice that is called “distinctive and delicious” by The Romance Studio, this Canadian author has become a reader favorite.

A true eclectic heart Sasha was born in Calgary, Alberta and raised all over Western Canada. The travel bug has stayed with her and ever since she left home she’s continue to go wherever opportunity leads. That includes travelling through some of the United States, as well as Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Nepal, Singapore, Mexico, South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland and Greece. Aside from Mexico, Greece, and the States, her travels have been for months at time, living out of a backpack while exploring these countries, learning about their cultures and often volunteering at schools in exchange for room and board.

After over 20 years as a waitress/bartender, Sasha now works full-time as a writer. She’s says “I learned how to build well-developed, realistic characters from exploring cultures, including our own when serving millions of drinks to millions of people. I’ll talk to pretty much anyone, and more importantly, listen to them.”

“Writing feeds my brain. Traveling feeds my soul.” ~ Sasha White


Emily Ryan-Davis
Emily Ryan-Davis is a lifelong East Coaster whose passion for the written word saw her through jobs writing obituaries, press releases and grants before she decided “I’m going to do this” and sat down to write a book. And then she wrote a book. Several, actually, in a variety of steamy romance sub-genres.

Life has undergone many changes since that first book. Now she spends her days writing full-time and parenting even-fuller-time. All the usual author loves apply, with chocolate, coffee and cats at the top the list.


Jennifer LeelandI loved Harlequin romances when I was little and used to sneak them from my mother’s bookshelf. But my father influenced me with Agatha Christie, Ngiao Marsh and Arthur Conan Doyle. I finally wrote my first completed novel in 2005 and never looked back.

It has been a fabulous journey. I have a special relationship with my characters, who both annoy me and inspire me. And yes, they talk to me. In the shower. In the car. When I’m trying to sleep. Many have asked me why I write erotic romance. Believe me, it would probably be easier to write something my mom could tell her friends about. But I love the emotion, the conflict, the possibilities contained in erotic romance. When I read, I want to indulge in fantasies. I hope I can do the same for others.

I live with a Redneck, who loves to brainstorm with me on occasion, and my two dirt faced Okie kids in the Northern California Boonies. I’ve published with Cobblestone Press, Liquid Silver Books, Loose-Id LLC., Samhain Publishing, and Whiskey Creek Press. I’m a moderator for the award winning writer’s forum Romance Divas where I’ve been a member since 2006.


  1. Oh look at him and his little pierced nipple! lol I've read a couple of the ladies--Pearce and Carew--and enjoyed them. I still have Hill on my ever growing tbr pile :)

  2. Makes you wonder what else may be pierced....
    And yes, that ever growing tbr pile...more like the size of a mountain!


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