Friday, August 21, 2015

@Anna_Albergucci - Author Spotlight and Giveaway

Anna Albergucci

Anna Albergucci has always had a vivid imagination. When she was a child, she entertained her mother and anyone who would listen with the telling of her intricate dreams. Now she puts that inspiration to paper, weaving her stories into deeply passionate characters that live lives the rest of us only dream about.

Married to her high school sweetheart, Anna lives in Texas surrounded by her ever-growing family and her fur babies. She serves as president of Cisco Writers Club, and is the founder of a yearly writers’ retreat she hosts at her estate each fall.

She loves mornings, coffee, and sitting on the porch appreciating her life. She’s a sucker for hosting parties, especially historical costume parties. And in her spare time you can find her touring old mansions, shopping for antiques, or curled up reading a romance, paranormal, or thriller, whether historical or contemporary.

What is the hardest thing about writing?
Knowing when to pull away from my computer and live life. I am very driven, and I don’t know when to stop.

When you write, do you see yourself in the characters?
Absolutely. I accept that all of my characters—bad included—are in some way like me, even if it’s just a minute personality trait, but the ones I relate to most are the males. Yes, I know, that sounds weird, but it’s true. I’ve decided it’s because in general I make them suffer more than the females. To do that to a character, you dig deep to write the scene. I will say, that it was the character of Jinny in To Each His Own that did the greater amount of suffering. I put that poor girl through hell. She better be glad it was a novella. Had it been a full novel, she was looking at really bad times. :-\

Of all the characters you’ve written, which are your favorites?
Oh, wow, that’s like choosing a favorite child. I love different things about different characters. In To Each His Own, I love Douglass’s gratitude and his desire to please Jinny, and I love Jinny’s concern for others and her broadmindedness toward Douglass. In The Phoenix Decree, my time travel series, I love the protectiveness Devon and Elz feel for each other. Jarrett’s cockiness and Jaymi’s humor. Kyle’s intelligence and Pris’s innocence, etc…

Which famous person would you like to meet and why? – Famous person?
Well, that would be Jason Momoa. Not only is he the most beautiful man on the planet and total eye candy, he is hilarious! He seems the most genuine person—a man without ulterior motives. I like people like that—people you can trust.

What is your favorite quote?
Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia. ~ Kurt Vonnegut

Name ten things one can expect when reading one of your books?
  1. Romance.
  2. To be swept up into the scene and atmosphere around the characters.
  3. At least one character to be filthy rich, so the doors are opened to that world.
  4. To like the characters.
  5. To discover the heart or mind of the characters.
  6. They can expect characters that are deeply passionate about something, whether it is love, hate, loyalty, revenge, etc…
  7. To be drawn to the villain at some point, as all my villains are charming.
  8. They can expect the villain to be attractive—I don’t write ugly evil characters. In the real world many evil people are charming and physically beautiful, which is part of what makes them alluring and dangerous. In my books the bad guys are usually near and dear, and so who wants to hang out with a hideous ogre who smells like an outhouse, huh?
  9. They can expect to feel strong emotion—to be surprised, shocked, aroused, and maybe even a little grossed out at times, especially in To Each His Own, as I always stay true to my characters. That book is not for the faint of heart.
  10. They can expect a great story, filled with love, hate, jealousy, forgiveness, revenge, passion, fight scenes, love scenes, tender scenes—all the good stuff.


To Each His Own
by Anna Albergucci
Series: Falling In Deep Collection
Genre: Paranormal Romance with Horror Undertones
Release Date: September 1, 2015
Buy links available soon!


The Phoenix Decree Saga

​If you were given the opportunity to slip through time, would you? If so here's your chance.​ This time travel series will allow you to break away from life as you know it. Join the characters and get to know each one first hand as you live every moment with them.

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