Monday, August 17, 2015

Review - Accidentally Still Married by Carmen Falcone

Accidentally Still Married
by Carmen Falcone
Series: Naked Truth, #2
Cover Designer: Sweet & Spicy Designs
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 13, 2015

Grace King needs to save her catering business by all means necessary. Even if it means striking a deal with the hot estranged husband she walked out on, but can’t forget despite her best efforts.

Sebastian Zwane is baffled to discover he’s still legally bound to the woman who broke his heart. With a booming career and new offices to open, the last thing he needs is a scandal and for her to demand half of the empire he built after their separation.

The bargain that will get them both what they want is put to the test by their sizzling attraction—stronger than ever, in spite of their rocky past. When the deal is over, will they be able to walk away from each other?

I love my second chance love stories and this one did not disappoint. Even though it has been two years since Grace walked out on Sebastian, neither has successfully moved on – in fact Grace never actually signed those divorce papers and now Sebastian needs to resolve his marriage so he can move his business forward. Of course what Sebastian finds when he seeks Grace out allows for a story that is filled with unspoken accusations, secrets, half-truths, and insecurities, all layered around an attraction between the two that seems to transcend all those issues – and leads them down a path that just may prove to be too much for either of them to walk away from without more heartache.

What was interesting to me about this read was that I really enjoyed Grace and Sebastian together – the dynamic between the two, the undercurrent of attraction, the banter and compassionate exchanges, and even when they would build their walls – but I wasn't a huge fan of either character by themselves. There was a level of immaturity about the characters that had me frustrated at times, perhaps a touch of self-centered behavior that put me off, but again, when they would come together everything became just…right. Of course learning some of the secrets they both carried also explained some of their behavior, which did redeem them both a bit by the end of the story.

There weren't a lot of secondary characters in this story and Ms. Falcone does a nice job having her main characters support the story all on their own. She brings the sizzle and heat that steams up the pages, but also treats us with many moments that were sweet and allowed us to feel with her characters as they had moments of introspection and true compassion.

I found this to be a quick read that was a bit edgy with the tension the story was laced with. A definite fit for a series called “The Naked Truth”.

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

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