Try a Genre and Win
20 Authors Giving Away 200 Books & More!
20 Authors Giving Away 200 Books & More!
How It Works
This challenge starts on July 2nd, and ends on July 30th, so you have a month to get reading.
We're all different and what we like to read is no exception. However, sometimes it's fun to change things up a bit and try something new. We're going to help with that, by giving the first 200 lucky readers to ask us an ebook for free. All we ask is that the book they request is in a genre they don't read, or read a long time ago and drifted out of.
Each participating author will offer ten books for free (we'll give you a list of what's available). But if you don't manage to get in fast enough and there aren't any books left, don't worry, you're still eligible for the Take a Walk on the Wild Side contest. Find a book in a new-to-you genre, whether at the library, from a friend, or if you want to support the wonderful authors involved in this contest by buying one of their books, so much the better!
Read the book—the contest runs for four weeks, so you've got time—then write a paragraph on the contest's Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/311838205606591/ ) about what surprised and delighted you about the genre you just read. You can also include a short paragraph on the genre you usually read and why you love it. Help convince other readers to give a new genre a try!
We're going to encourage people to like the paragraphs that inspired them to read a new genre, and the five entries with the most likes will go to a well-known book blogger (with names redacted) to choose the winner of the $200 gift card.
This is one place where being a chatterbox will get you sent to the top of the class, not to detention. We want people talking about the books they're reading, swopping recommendations, and generally connecting over new genres, so we've got a $50 gift card prize to the person who interacts the most on the Facebook group. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/311838205606591/)
Good luck, everyone, this is going to be a lot of fun!
And here are the amazing authors involved in sponsoring this contest:
Marilyn Brant http://www.marilynbrant.com
Robin Bielman http://robinbielman.com
Kelsey Browning http://www.kelseybrowning.com
Zoe Dawson http://zoedawson.com
Michelle Diener http://www.michellediener.com
Cynthia Eden http://www.cynthiaeden.com
Jennifer Estep http://www.jenniferestep.com
Misty Evans http://www.readmistyevans.com
Maggie Mae Gallagher http://www.maggiemaegallagher.com
Lori Handeland http://www.lorihandeland.com
Mary Hughes http://www.maryhughesbooks.com
Shona Husk http://www.shonahusk.com
Rachel Johns http://www.rachaeljohns.com
Dale Mayer http://dalemayer.com
Nancy Naigle http://www.nancynaigle.com
Christina Phillips http://christinaphillips.com
Edie Ramer http://edieramer.com
Elle J Rossi http://www.ellejrossi.com
Barbara Samuel http://www.barbarasamuel.com
Therese Walsh http://www.theresewalsh.com/
We'll be posting a profile on each author and the books they have made eligible for the giveaway on the Read a New Genre Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/311838205606591/ ) on July 2nd. As stated above, the first ten people to request the books on offer will get them for free, thereafter, participants will have to source their own books, either from the library, a friend, or if they'd like to support one of the authors sponsoring this contest, so much the better! Only one free book request per person, so as many readers as possible can benefit.

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